Chantel White
About Chantel White:
Chantel White is a certified Equine Gestalt Coach, Soul Care Coach, Peer Facilitator, Author, and Truth Seeker. She has been helping people find their truth and heal old stuck patterns for over a decade using horses, nature and intuitive connection. Her work has been featured on CTV, CFCW, CBC, several podcasts, and at the international kinesiology conference.
Chantel spent many years hiding and masking her truth. She got really good at ignoring her intuition until she couldn’t anymore. Her breakthrough came with honouring herself and creating healthy boundaries, walking away from people and situations that were not serving her. She is passionate about using mother earth to guide sensitive souls to walk their authentic path, sing the song of their hearts, and do what sets their souls on fire.
Email: equinereflection@gmail.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chantel-white-2a53a552