Love after Death

Love after Death

As the planet awakens, increasing numbers of people are reporting spontaneous contact with loved ones in spirit that leaves them confused and unsure what to do. Psychic channel Pam Johnson explains what she believes is fueling this phenomenon and why it will continue...
Sing in Me a New Song: Hearing the Voice of Love

Sing in Me a New Song: Hearing the Voice of Love

Today we are joined by spiritual doula Kim Colella for a beautiful conversation about the voice of love that is inside each and every one of us. Kim describes the path that unfolded when she followed that voice, including being led to a fated meeting with Mother...
Perfectionism: Clear Out the Muck to Let in the Light

Perfectionism: Clear Out the Muck to Let in the Light

This week we are joined by fellow akashic expert Leasa Arsenault as she shares her story of breaking through the patterns of extreme perfectionism to find her authentic path. This is a story many of us high-achievers know well. Leasa describes having a minimum of 5...
QHHT for Quantum Leaps

QHHT for Quantum Leaps

Have you heard of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)? What about past life regression, between life exploration, self-healing, and life coaching through the subconscious mind with hypnosis? Well, we are absolutely thrilled to dive deep into this profound work...
The Science of God

The Science of God

We are absolutely honoured to speak with the world-renowned researcher & author, Udo Erasmus. You may recognize the name from his popular products in Udo’s Choice line, or from his time spent teaching at events hosted by Tony Robbins and Deepak Chopra. Today we...