Today we dive into a beautiful discussion about why so many people feel drained and unfulfilled in their jobs, despite spending a huge portion of their lives at work. We discuss the misalignment between true purpose and career, and how societal paradigms condition us to settle for survival over fulfillment. Murielle dives into the importance of discovering and expressing our unique gifts, and why we shouldn’t wait until retirement to pursue what we love.

Murielle’s offering to our listeners:

●  Complimentary 30 min Akashic Records Session – email Murielle at to book.


Connect with Murielle:

Connect with Rev. DeeAnne:

New here? Book a Complimentary 20 Minute Akashic Reading with Rev. DeeAnne

About the Guest:

Murielle Gros-Désirs, M.Sc. is a spiritual empowerment coach, and founder of Soulful Synergy Academy. She facilitates personal transformation by combining spiritual practices with self-development, fostering authentic self-love while empowering individuals to manifest their dreams.

Murielle offers powerful methods to help you unlock your full potential and step into a life of abundance, fulfillment, and spiritual harmony, utilizing hypnotherapy, Akashic records reading, and EFT.

About the Host:

Rev. DeeAnne ‘Rose Hope’ Riendeau B.Msc, HADM, PIDP, NLP is a thought leader in spiritual and business development whose mission is to elevate how we think and live. Experiencing a life of chronic illness, and 2 near death experiences, DeeAnne rebounded with 20 years of health education and a diverse health career.

She is known as the modern day Willy Wonka for giving away her company Your Holistic Earth, which is the first holistic health care system of its kind. She is currently the owner of Rose Hope International, in which she helps those who are seeking more joy, love, freedom, and a deeper meaning in life using your souls library also known as the Akashic Records. 

She has spoken at Harvard University, appeared on Shaw TV, Global Television, and CTV and has been recognized as a visionary and business leader having been nominated for numerous awards including Alberta Business of Distinction. Along with being an entrepreneur, DeeAnne is a mom of 2 bright kids, publisher, popular speaker and international bestselling author who uses her heart and her head to guide others to create their best life. 

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WSC Intro/Outro: This is When Spirit Calls and you on your journey are in the right place. This show is about magic miracles and meaning shared through stories, interviews and channeled messages. We have so much to share about who you are and your divine mission here on the earth. Let's get to it When Spirit Calls is right now.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Hello and welcome back. Today our guest is Murielle Gros-Désirs. She is a passionate spiritual empowerment coach dedicated to helping individuals break free from family ritual and societal pressures to embrace their spiritual journeys. With a background in biotechnology and marketing. A spiritual awakening in 2019 reconnected her to her divine purpose Murielle now guides people by integrating spiritual approaches into self improvement fostering a deep authentic love for themselves and laying the foundation for life where they feel truly empowered and deserving of manifesting their dreams. Murielle found a soulful synergy Academy a transformative six month program designed to create balance, activate spiritual gifts enhance intuition and empower manifestation. Additionally, she created aligned purpose, a one month intensive program to support individuals in remembering their purpose and manifesting it in their professional lives using hypnotherapy, the Akashic records, and E F T, also known as tapping in her coaching miracle offers powerful methods to help you unlock your full potential and step into a life of abundance, fulfillment and spiritual harmony. Let's dive right in. Hello, everyone, we are back again. And you've learned a little bit about our guests today. Murielle. And I'm so excited to hear more about this lovely human being story. Her and I have something in common. We love the Akashic records. So Murielle, thank you so much for being here.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Murielle Gros-Désirs: Thank you for having me. I'm so excited.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

I am to and, you know, as I, you know, sit with this idea of you know, the Akashic records in this beautiful space. You know, I always am enthralled to hear about other people's stories and their experiences, and how they found their way to the Akashic records. So will you engage with us that story and how you came to be the woman you are today?

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Murielle Gros-Désirs: Yeah, so the Akashic records, I think, the first time I heard about it consciously in this lifetime, I was probably like 25 years old. And it was like, remembering. And I was sorry that it seemed like something that I should know about. One year I did, and which was a bit weird. And I kind of left it for a while because I was doing my own personal development journey, and also my spiritual journey and building my intuition in other ways. And then yeah, when I felt ready, I trained in the Akashic records. And to start with my story with my intuition was one of trusting myself, and also dealing with a lot of limiting beliefs when it comes to speaking with spirits, because I grew up in Jehovah Witness family, and also in Caribbean island, where most of the things we hear about spirits are negative. So I spend a lot of my time at the beginning of my journey while trying to meditate but having one foot in one foot out, you know, I was so afraid that I would shine or something negative, and yeah, it would be a little bit exhausted. But you know, a spirit has this way of comforting you in a way and creating a beautiful space so that you're connecting to the divine aspect. And in the process, I also connected with my power, because I realized that there there is nothing out there that can hurt me. And I connected also with my multi dimensional self, which is so powerful and so insinuate that I don't have to worry about any, you know, weird, kind of a energy that might be out there. So, it was also as I said, a matter of, you know, and I started getting messages from my spirit, whether it was through clairaudience or clairvoyance of not these trusting the messages that I was receiving because sometimes you'll get for me, I get images. And to start with, I found them very weird. And I thought it would be something more clear. And it was it was subject to my interpretation, yet it spoke to me directly. So looking at the symbols I was seeing, there was always, it's like I had an internal dictionary of what it meant. So when I realized that, then I trusted that I had the meaning for any symbol that I would see in my mind. And I understood that, yeah, I had the way of communicating with my guides, and it changed everything for me.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Wow. So you know, I love this, that you've, you know, you felt like it was like having a dictionary, and you knew what what symbol meant? What, and I often, you know, tell my students that this is, this is them deciphering the language of the vine. And for each of us, it's going to show up a little bit different, you know, we might, you know, for me, I might get an image of a star. And it might mean something, and you might get the same image, but it might mean something different. And I kind of speak to the, you know, like the map legends, you know, where there's like little images of like, you know, the tree, and this is where this is, you know, and that's kind of what we're doing, you know, as we start to develop our intuition, right. It's almost like we have to create this legend for ourselves, that allows us to connect the dots and know what different things mean. And it sounds to me like you were able to decipher that code, so to speak, and to be able to help your clients. Now, I want to backtrack just for a moment, just in case somebody's new to listening. And they have no idea what the Akashic records are. I know for myself, when I was first introduced, I was a little older than you, I was already in my, I had had my first daughter, so it's probably about 30. And a woman had come to do a house clearing and she's like, Oh, I'm doing the Akashic records. And I imagined like medical files or something that was what came to my mind. I'm like, Oh, what are the Akashic records? You know? And it didn't make a lot of sense to me at the beginning. And, you know, it's interesting to me too, because I do have this deep awareness of the Akashic records, but not as it's called the Akashic records. To me, it was God's library. That's what she was talking about. And we describe the cache as you know, your souls library, do you have a different explanation for how you explain the Akashic records and what it is to people I'm curious to know.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Murielle Gros-Désirs: Well, I think the libraries and beauty full symbol, and everybody will have a definition that will bring them closer to the Akashic records for me, when I first tuned into it, it was like a beautiful tree, and an energetic tree. And each of the leaves represented a person and their journey, their story. And it was like diving into that leaf and discovering about that person and the folding nests of their being. So for me, it's like something I feel in the field around me. And we're always in the Akashic records, anything that we do is recorded. And it's like an energetic imprint that we that we do with everything that we decide on the day to day basis.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

I love this beautiful description of this tree. And for everyone, it's different when they tune into this consciousness. And just again, for those listeners, they Kashuk record as a space of consciousness. But Muriel just said, you know, we're always in the records in a way and we are, but we just don't have an awareness of it. Right? That's the difference. Right? Most people don't have an awareness that they are in the Akashic records, and that if they get out of the way, divine, allows all of that energy to move through us without us feeling the burden of responsibility. And for each of us, it will be a different experience when you allow yourself to tune in to that dimension of the Akash. Some people can access it through meditation, some people use a prayer, what do you use to go into the Akashic records?

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Murielle Gros-Désirs: I would use a symbol that I do with my hands and also a prayer, but I'm actually always tuned in so this is this is what what I do specifically when I have a client, but for myself, I will receive the downloads all the times basically. So yeah.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

You know, as practitioners like us that we've been doing this for a while, you know, My clients also say the same thing where they're like you're in the Akashic records all the time, aren't you? And, and it is, you know, like, we're aware of it. And so we allow that energy to move through us. I think for me, sometimes I do find that I need to go into more of my 3d and just be in that 3d space, like, do you find that you need to do that to to ground in, where you're consciously just connecting to your physical being as well?

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Murielle Gros-Désirs: Well, I used to be very interested in you that was more at the beginning of my spiritual journey, I was reading the clouds, I was really, I was so connected to the higher realms that I was disregarding the material world, and I had to work on, you know, grounding myself, and also building a relationship with my body. And with the feelings I am getting through my body stone, discounts with doing exercise and also tuning and connecting to my body during the day. Yeah, so this helped me a lot. And I feel like no, it's more like, has half your leg back and seem that sense?

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Yes, I agree. And it kind of reminds me of a bit of a pendulum, right? You know, a lot of people, when they first have their spiritual awakening, or they tune in, they swing all the way, you know, and they're, like you said, they're in the clouds a little bit, and they're, you know, not super grounded in their physical body, and then they oftentimes will swing back around, and then they'll be right in their physical three dimensional, and then they'll feel disconnected from, you know, their spirit. And it's, there's a sweet spot there, you know, on that pendulum. And so this is a reminder for the audience that, you know, you're gonna go through your journey, you might find that you get your head in the clouds to and that is okay. But just know that there is a sweet spot there where you blend this three dimensional space with these other dimensional frequencies, that allow us to move through this earth, which such divinity, and grace so that we can fully fulfill our divine mission here. And this is kind of an invitation. And I think, Wario you and I are evidence of what's possible for anyone who's on the spiritual path where you can honor the 3d honor the body, and still honor that spiritual way of be. Yeah,

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Murielle Gros-Désirs: Yeah. Because our bodies so beautifully made. And we don't realize how we have like, this millions and billions of cells that are regenerating all the time. And yeah, it's just a miracle.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

We are rocking miracles, like, you know, someone says, you know, that we have the universe inside of us. And we really do, it's, there's so much complexity to it. And when we talk about being a multi dimensional being, you mentioned this, you spoke to this, that you got to know yourself as a multi dimensional being. And I want to explain that a little bit to people. My perspective is that we have many dimensions to our own self, oftentimes, most human beings, we get caught up in the dimension of the ego of the logical mind, right? Where it kind of hijacks and takes over. And we make decisions that are based on that versus the higher mind or the god mind. And so allowing us to build relationship with those pieces of ourselves, really allows us to one become the observer in our life, but to to make better decisions and more aligned decisions. Is that accurate to your perception of the multi dimensional aspects of our being? Do you want to elaborate on that a little bit?

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Murielle Gros-Désirs: Yeah, what I believe is that, because everything actually happens at once, even if we're not necessarily aware of it in this 3d dimension, there is a part of us that's already, you know, ascended, there is a part of us that's back with source. And there is also a part of us that's more connected to the one D, which is just the beginning of consciousness. So we're actually leaving all of these different planes at the same time. And we can connect to some of these different aspects by consciously doing it. And maybe there is going to be a part that's not going to be shown to us because we're not necessarily ready based on the consciousness that we have at the moment, but we can tap in.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

I love this concept of tapping in and being able to tune in to other essences of our soul in other times in other spaces, if you will, and other dimensions. And I think it even ties to even some of the concepts around quantum leaping, where we can leap to another place in time where our Our souls experiencing a whole nother experience. But we can get an access knowledge and wisdom and information that can bring it in to this level of consciousness. So I love the idea of building relationship with each aspect of our being and what our that looks like, to the rest of us is up to us, but build those relationships, right? Because that's what really allows us to see more clearly, and to stay on our divine path.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Murielle Gros-Désirs: Definitely,

DeeAnne Riendeau:

So, that's beautiful. Marielle I love that so much. So, you know, you kind of sounds to me like you were very young, when you were doing some of this spirituality kind of leaning in? Was there something that happened to you that made you want to look at it more closely, or dive in, because I wasn't that tuned in when I was 25. I'll tell you that. And so I'm curious to know if that was part of your upbringing, or something compelled to

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Murielle Gros-Désirs: I think I was always looking for a great connection with the Divine just because through my upbringing, I, I was really verse in the Bible, but it was more around fear, and okay, you need to behave in a certain way. So you can have eternal life. But I wanted to connect with the loving aspects of God. And I didn't really have that as I was growing up. So I kind of left it for a while. And I knew that there was a higher power, but I thought, okay, when I get to, I don't know, 50. I love it that way. And that was really, really carrier oriented, really. And this is, and I was looking for my purpose. And this is what led me there, because at some point, so I pivoted several times in my career, I started, I started in biotechnology, and I was really bored working in the lab. So I pivoted, went into marketing, and then also realize that there was something lacking there, even if I was feeling a little bit more fulfill. And I thought at some point, well, I can keep doing this for a very long time. And what is the meaning of it? What if I felt like I had to follow a specific path in life. So working, getting a nice car or getting a house having, you know, let's wish, what we tend to imagine, when we think of success, and it failed at it's like, at some point, I had a vision I remember I was in my kitchen, and I was kind of propelled in the body or how can I explain that where I would be if I had all of this and it's still felt like something was lacking. And this is where I started asking myself what was the meaning of my life and why I came to Earth. And this led me to start my spiritual awakening

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Beautiful I love it. So love it, I love it. So now you help people with their lives. You know, you go into their Akashic records and you give them guidance. Tell us a little bit about the work you do and who you serve.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Murielle Gros-Désirs: Well, the work I do is closely related to the challenges I had and looking for my purpose, because really, experience and job that were draining for me, and I didn't have the clarity to identify what was my purpose and how to get meaning and fulfillment in my professional life. So it led me to really dive deep into this and the Akashic Records helped me so much, along with other things like also connecting to plant medicine. And I have this vision of a world where everybody can express their gifts, be at this perfect place that the divine has created for them so that everything can fit together like sort of a puzzle. So my mission is to create this to help people find their true essence to find their gifts, remember their gifts, and really allow them to start experiencing their their gifts in the most beautiful way for them. So I launched a program recently a new program specifically for this where during one month we really go intensively into the Akashic Records hypnotherapy and EFT know in order to find more clarity on therapy Calling I like to call it a calling, and really transforming a career into into a calling. So we go through a process of harmonizing and being more in balance, because what happens is that people are a bit anxious when their job is not appropriate for them. And this comes in the way of being clear, because it creates a lot of noise. So we get them back into balance. And then I help them with self discovery, because this is obviously the foundation to finding their purpose. So we spend time in the Akashic records and also rediscovering things that they used to love in the past. But we've had different perspectives on we hear a lot that your passions as a kid, are great indicators. But for example, I wanted to be a journalist as a kid, but I don't feel like it anymore. But I do love to communicate, I am quite curious. And these are the things that are great indicators of what your purpose is, and what your essence is. So it's reconnecting to this, and also building their intuition, because the idea is also empowerment, and not having necessarily to rely on an external source, such as a coach to access and download information from the higher realms, but being able to tap into their own intuition and make decisions based on that.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Yes, I love it, and you speak my language, everything from putting the puzzle pieces together and making the puzzle to helping them find their purpose. I think that we need more of this, I really feel like there's so many lost souls that are, you know, in jobs that they hate, or that are sucking the life out of them. And they're frustrated, and they don't know what to do, like you said, there's so much noise, sometimes we don't know what to do. So suggestions, if we're sitting here listening, and say, oh, yeah, I'm not loving my job, what do I do? What are some of the things that you can give people that would help them? Or maybe they just want to lean into their intuition, maybe their jobs, fine, but they feel spirit calling them? What are your kind of main words of wisdom or advice that you want to give the audience?

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Murielle Gros-Désirs: Well, for somebody that struggle with their job, I would say, to reconnect with gratitude, which might be a little bit difficult, but is so so essential. And we don't realize how these charts that we see negatively are actually putting food on the table, and also are allowing us to grow so much to the challenges that we are going through. And just the relationships that we're having in these jobs and the struggles that we may have our are helping us so much to identify what it is that we want. Because a lot of time, we can define what we want through what we don't want. So everything that's going wrong is actually pointing you in the right direction.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

So I love that, that's great wisdom. And this attitude of gratitude is so powerful, it really is, you know, I oftentimes will tell them to make a list of what your job actually does for you. And they're usually surprised because they're like, Oh, my God, well, it gets me out of bed in the morning. It allows me to connect with other people, it allows me to be creative, like they start to realize that there's actually more benefit than they think, you know, and it can help to shift the perspective not necessarily so that they stay in the job, but at least they can prolong until they figure out what they really want to do.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Murielle Gros-Désirs: So important to have a routine as well. And a lot of spiritual people will already have some sort of routine in place. But I think self care is very key. Because again, when you're frustrated, either by your job or other circumstances, then finding this moment during the day where you know, the time that you're dedicating is fully for yourself. And this is how I actually started to meditate because I know for some people it can be a little bit challenging to think, Okay, I'm going to sit and try to erase my thoughts about what I was making a gift to myself of time and peace. And I would sit and think, Okay, I'm so grateful that I can spend this time away from everybody else away from the noise and really get Giving myself this record next and with the my inner being and my inner wisdom,

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Beautiful. Love that. What else you got for us anything else that is on your heart that you want to share around finding our purpose or going through this intuitive kind of awakening remembering process?

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Murielle Gros-Désirs: Well, I think when we think tuition, the key also is self worth believing that you deserve the support of the Divine that you deserve the support of your guides. And that, of course you are you're able to receive whatever they're sharing sharing with you. Because when I started, I tend to see on the other people are as being more intuitive than myself and kind of not really seeing that path for me. And I was look for external validation, such as going to other guides and go and COVID series and believing the advice they would give me but not necessarily believing the advice I would they'll note for myself.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Yes, happens all the time that we get it from students all the time, right? Where they're like, Well, I'm not intuitive like that. So I must not be intuitive, or I don't, you know, I'm not getting, you know what they're getting. So, you know, we questioned that. But I love this idea of that belief in self worth and knowing you are worthy of receiving this information. This divine information is accessible to all of us.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Murielle Gros-Désirs: Definitely. And I know the way spirit talk to us is different from people to people. I remember I had friends that were very tuned in and it seemed like they were having conversation with their guys like real conversation the whole the whole day. And I was expecting my connection to feel like that as well. But because mine was different. I was disregarding the messages I was getting, because I wanted to be a voice in my head. happens but not always.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Yes. It's so true that this happens, you know, where we think it needs to look a certain way, right. But we will all have our unique way of communicating, right, whether it's seeing symbols like what you get, or whether it's hearing in the voices inside the mind. So I think it's important that we know that it's so diverse for all of us, so that when we're doing this work, or when we're leaning into it, we can come from that perspective of like, this is my way unique to me. And just because it's different doesn't mean it's wrong. Right. And I think that's, that's a real key. That's wonderful, thank you. Any final words, before I invite people to reach out to you anything else that you want to share?

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Murielle Gros-Désirs: Oh, my mind is blank.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

That means we're done. Maybe that means that you said all we needed to say. So, you know, this has been wonderful, I think this is really going to help those people that are questioning their abilities or, you know, struggling with their, their purpose and, and that sort of thing. And, and so you had said earlier you said one of the things that you love to do is invite people to think about what their dream was when they were a little kid and then lean into what is it that that job would have entailed, you know, and use your beautiful example of journalism, and how you love being creative. You love connecting with people. So you were able to piece together kind of your work or some ideas around the work that you can do. I think that's a wonderful piece of advice for people. So I really wanted to bring that back to the surface. Because I think as people are struggling, you know, with oh gosh, what do I want to be when I grew up? Even if you're 40 or 50, deciding that, you know, it's a really good clue for us to really pull out the things that really fill us up that really light us up inside. So just wanting to kind of finish on that. And for the audience, how can they reach you? What do you got in store? What do you have to offer everybody?

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Murielle Gros-Désirs: I'm offering a 30 minute Akashic Record reading.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Yeey, we're gonna love that on.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Murielle Gros-Désirs: So for people that are lacking clarity that are, you know, again in these jobs that they're not really liking, and this is going to help them find their clarity on their purpose on their ancestral lineage on the gifts that they had in past lives. And also We all have a clearer picture of where they are now what might be blocking them and what direction to lead towards in their healing so that they can find their purpose easier.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Love that. Okay, so we're going to have that link in the show notes, all you have to do is click on the link, and you will have full access to that 30 minutes. And we'll also be putting Mario's information on there as well, if you want to explore her website, and any of her courses that she has coming up as well, that pretty much sums it up anything else Murielle before we say goodbye.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Murielle Gros-Désirs: Just very grateful that we could share as Akashic practitioners, the both of us and it was so beautiful blending both perspectives. And there are so many things that, you know, benefited from being blended in this beautiful view that we had on this broadcast.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Yes, indeed, I have loved this time with you, you are indeed a bright light. I loved spending time with you and being in your energy. So thank you for blessing us and gracing us with your presence. So we are signing off officially folks, thank you so much for tuning in to another edition of When Spirit calls. Until next time, bye for now.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Murielle Gros-Désirs: Bye.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

WSC Intro/Outro: so happy you could join us today. And we hope that you found comfort and inspiration with wherever you are at right now. If you feel you received a gift in today's message, please pass that gift along to a loved one by sharing this episode with them. To continue this conversation, please join me at And when you do, be sure to access your free gift by signing up for the Wind Spirit Calls newsletter. I'm looking forward to connecting with you again soon.