I am so excited to share my conversation with David T. Gross, a third-generation Seer, as we delve into the profound concept of soul agreements and their impact on our lives. Through poignant anecdotes, David shares a deeply personal message he received concerning his mother’s battle with cancer, illuminating the soul agreements that some undertake on behalf of others. We discuss the importance of embracing adversity with gratitude and trusting in a higher wisdom to unfold the answers in due time. David encourages listeners to recognize recurring patterns and triggers as gateways to deeper understanding, drawing upon his own experiences to illustrate this point. He reflects on how past life lessons surfaced in a pivotal business relationship, ultimately leading him to claim his self-worth—a soul lesson spanning lifetimes. Join us as we embark on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment, guided by David’s insightful perspective on soul agreements and their profound implications.

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About the Guest:

David is a 3rd generation Seer, connecting with Source – All That Is – sharing messages of insight and guidance for women who are stepping out from the shadows and into their light.

In essence, David embodies the Sacred Masculine in collaboration and support of the Divine Feminine, working together to bring balance, direction and meaning back to life.

40 years of study and training with revered Masters in sacred spaces and temples in Japan, Thailand and Cambodia have nurtured his abilities and enhanced his skills in accessing, interpreting and sharing knowledge known by our Higher Self and beyond.

As a Soul Family Channel, David brings to light fascinating links between experiences and relationships interwoven across lifetimes, generations and dimensional realities, answering questions such as: “Why Am I here?”, “Why did ~ happen?”, “Why me?”, “Why now?” and “What’s next?”

About the Host:

Rev. DeeAnne ‘Rose Hope’ Riendeau, B.Msc, HADM, PIDP, NLP is a thought leader in spiritual and business development whose mission is to elevate how we think and live. Experiencing a life of chronic illness, and 2 near death experiences, DeeAnne rebounded with 20 years of health education and a diverse health career.

She is known as the modern-day Willy Wonka for giving away her company Your Holistic Earth, which is the first holistic health care system of its kind. She is currently the owner of Rose Hope International, in which she helps those who are seeking more joy, love, freedom, and a deeper meaning in life using your soul’s library also known as the Akashic Records. 

She has spoken at Harvard University, appeared on Shaw TV, Global Television, and CTV and has been recognized as a visionary and business leader having been nominated for numerous awards including Alberta Business of Distinction. Along with being an entrepreneur, DeeAnne is a mom of 2 bright kids, publisher, popular speaker and international bestselling author who uses her heart and her head to guide others to create their best life. 

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WSC Intro/Outro: This is When Spirit Calls, and you on your journey are in the right place. This show is about magic miracles and meaning shared through stories, interviews and channeled messages. We have so much to share about who you are and your divine mission here on the earth. Let's get to it When Spirit Calls is right now.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

I'm so happy to introduce you to today's guest, the energizing David T. Gross. David is a third generation SEER connecting with source all that is sharing messages of insight and guidance for women who are stepping out from the shadows and into their light. In essence, David embodies the sacred masculine in collaboration and support of the divine feminine, working together to bring balanced direction and meaning back to life. 40 years of study and training with revered masters in sacred spaces in temples in Japan, Thailand, and Cambodia, have nurtured his abilities and enhanced his skills in accessing, interpreting and sharing knowledge known by our higher self and beyond. As a sole Family Channel. David brings to light fascinating links between experiences and relationships, interwoven across lifetimes, generations and dimensional realities, answering questions such as why am I here? Why is life happening this way? Why me? Why now? And what's next? Stay tuned, you are in for a treat.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Oh, my goodness, I'm so happy to be back with you all again, for when Spirit calls. And today you've learned about our guests a little bit already. We have David here. Hi, David.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

David T. Gross: Hello. so wonderful to be with you again after record a few years, right?

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Gosh, it has been quite a few years. And so for you listening out there, David and I met quite a number of years ago. In fact, it was almost a decade ago, I think

DeeAnne Riendeau:

David T. Gross: when was in your basement? Yeah.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Oh my gosh, just like a time ago. And you know, David actually reminded me that I had told him that something big was coming. And that there were that he was going to be helping massive people. And I had forgotten I told him that. And now he is doing all these incredible things. And now he's here on my podcast to share all of that with us. So I cannot wait, David. Oh my gosh,

DeeAnne Riendeau:

David T. Gross: This is what we call alignment. Right?

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Beautiful. I just love it so much. And I love that we found our way to each other again, this fall meeting at an event that we were both happened to be speaking at and facilitating for this. Oh, yes, yes, the world is always conspiring in our favor. So let's talk about this journey of yours and what you've been through since, you know, years ago, last time we had connected I would love to just tune in, and let's have a conversation about what has happened in your life. How did spirit call to you, and lead you into this incredible path that you're in. So I'm gonna let you take it away?

DeeAnne Riendeau:t calls Kang so powerfully in:DeeAnne Riendeau:

Wow. Wow. Oh, there's so much that I want to speak to around this whole experience. No, first of all, I think it's so incredible, David that you've been able to take an experience that many of us would, you know struggle and might be traumatic for people or have a great sense of grief around low. It's amazing to see how much you alchemize this beautiful gift of your mother into the This way of expressing and sharing your light on the world. So first, I will celebrate that.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

David T. Gross: Thank you for that, because that that really touches me in the heart because I haven't shared this story with many people with a couple of close friends. And then like my godmother, for example, just like oh, send me more, because it was months in a row, right? Hey, and I'm not I'm not saying that it wasn't traumatic. But I'll tell you what. And it took a while it took actually, no, it was a relief more than anything and a release. Yes, it was to have hurt like, even when the first the first day, Hey, it's me, here's where I am. And here's who I'm with. And here's what it's all about. And then by the way, that was a sign that the door is now open. When my dad came home. Probably half an hour later, he I said read this. And he read it and said that sounds like your mother. And I said, No kidding. And he said, How did that happen? I said, I don't know that. But I do know, I do know that it it released for me. The sense of grief, from the perception that she was gone, right? Because she was like so present with me so discerning with me, right? And then when I got the soul level message about why I couldn't help her cuz I'd been doing connected work for at that time, 20 years. Why couldn't I help her because I like it was calling everybody I could pay angels up there in spirit got like, everybody, just help her please. And there I was getting nothing. And I took it personally, it's like, come on, come on, I got more power than that. And then the lesson was made very clear to me that this was part of her soul contract your agreements. And I asked the question to whoever you ask whatever language you use there be a god or God source energy or cosmic consciousness, whatever all that is I said, How come my mum such a loving person would be required to go through such physical difficult, challenging her transition? And the answer was this. It is because she's such a loving person, because in her agreements, Soul agreements with her family, she agreed to take on all of the pain that all of her family members would have experienced in their lives, Present Past and Future. And, and have that come to and through her so that she could protect us from having to experience that level of pain.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Oh, I'm just covered in goosebumps with that. i There's so much energetic in pieces to that. Because, you know, so many people that I've spoken to that are going through some suffering, they're going through emotional pain, they're going through spiritual pain, physical pain, and they're like, Why? Why is this happening to me? Why? Why, you know, I'm asking for help. And I'm still stuck in this place, and I can't get out of this place. And it's so powerful, what you just said, you said, Well, you realize that she had decided she had chose it was an agreement, there was an agreement to face yeah, for her to take that pain on for to save, you know, transmute

DeeAnne Riendeau:

David T. Gross: it transmit, transmit is probably the best word here. Yeah. So that we would not experience that level of pain in our lives, really. And here's the thing about this type of work where where we're receiving insights and guidance and wisdom and knowledge and all of that, from the Akash and beyond. It's, it has come to me or become to me something that I cannot question. Because at a level of my being that I can't explain, sometimes don't even have the words to express. It makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. It just makes sense. There's an inner knowingness. Like, that makes sense. I'm not making this up. Yeah, I do sessions that go five hours in length sometimes, and I seriously, I'm intelligent, but I cannot be going for five hours out of my head. But no script, that's still gonna happen. So when we when we receive a flow or a stream of insight, to me, I guess maybe to take it a little bit the next step further. But what do we do with all of this is? I don't question I don't doubt, yeah, I reside into trusting that this is showing up for a reason. There is value to this that I perhaps don't even, I'm not able to able to comprehend right now. And then I also trust that in time, over time, when the time is right, clarity will come. And it will make sense to me in some way.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Well, and that's the thing I think that we forget, because we think that we're supposed to get the value in real time, right? It's like I had it. Why How come I live with Bill Watson's? Like, how come I'm not seeing the good in this right? And then we beat ourselves up for not being able to see the good in it. But the reality is, is that that value sometimes shows up much later.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

David T. Gross: The first words that come to mind for me is like processing time, but I don't but here's the thing, I want to just unravel what processing just pain to me means to me, processing is perhaps equally in equal measure as much trying to figure it out as much at it as it might be for me just kind of reflecting on my experiences in life, releasing my own thoughts and beliefs, usually negative thoughts and limiting beliefs that have been taught to me by others around me or the community, or the culture, or the world itself, or the media, whatever it happens to be. Sometimes that processing for me is gaining a level of clarity, which means releasing or learning how to release. And actually, I can't release if I can't identify them. So I have to start with the awareness and then the acknowledgement to be able to allow myself to release to certain like thoughts or negative thoughts of limiting beliefs to get to the clarity, because when I'm in the way, clarity is not gonna Well, actually, here's the thing, when I'm in the way, clarity, stare, I just can't see it yet.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Exactly, exactly. Oh, man, I, there's such power in having conversations like this, David, because I think what I'm really seeing here is for all the people that are in pain, emotional, physical, rather than them believing they did something wrong, or it's a card old hat, or they're being punished for anything. I think the opportunity is, oh, my soul needs this, it asked for this, it made a commitment for me to transmute this pain for the world for the people I love. And if we can come at it from that perspective, right? All of a sudden, it's like, wait a second, I'm doing this on behalf of, and it's not so much about you. But it's about the entire collective consciousness then.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

David T. Gross: So it it is about us at a soul level, but it's through extension, or by extension, to me anyway, with my understanding of this work connecting us with our soul family. Yeah, yeah. Which is higher, maybe it's more oversold and high in the concept of seeing family rather than just my higher self, which is individually individuated across lifetimes and timelines course.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Yeah, I think it just gives us permission in a way to say, Okay, I'm not being punished because I'm a bad person or did something wrong? I, on some level, my higher self?

DeeAnne Riendeau:

David T. Gross: Can I share a really quick story? Yes, it's in connection. It's not. It's not a reflection on that exact concept. But it's connected. So I haven't experienced that I've had a number of experiences in my life where family members, siblings, and close, close close cousins, just for example, here have in the 3d level, my perception was that really hurt. Like you're just taking me to the cleaners here. And especially after my mum passing, and then my dad passing, it's like, whoa. And at the time, I took everything personally. And because I'm empathic, and also compassionate, I was the one calling the guilt of that day didn't seem to care at all about certain things. But I was holding on to all of that. And then this into this kind of insight came to me. So sometimes I was judging myself, I was sure I was judging them. But I was judging myself more harshly, I was holding myself in blame and shame for not making things better, not making up and all that kind of stuff there. And then I realized, at a soul level, like I'm not going to go on a segue here for a story. I have a favorite teacher, I think most of us do. Maybe from my favorite teacher was from elementary school, my grade six teacher, I loved her so much that you know, great seventh grade, eighth grade, and I go back and visit j, we go back to see her just because she was so important to us that I honestly can't remember probably the lessons that she taught me, which were came from coming from a book, but she taught me compassion, she taught me connection, she taught me the value. Actually, she taught me Ah, here's a deeper truth, she saw me. Ah, so she taught me the Brene Browns work, she taught me that it was okay to be myself in order to belong, rather than trying to fit in by being someone else, right? So I saw so highly valued her. And yet, if I look at the concept of holding, the words that most people will use would be forgiveness. So this is kind of tapping into that, holding people to a certain level level of energy here. It doesn't make sense to me to use the word forgiveness with in the concept or in connection in the sentence with my favorite teacher on the planet. Okay, what would I have to forgive her for? I mean, I loved her so much. And she taught me so much about life that I will never, ever forget her. I've got a picture of her on my phone even like, she's so important to me. So because she as my favorite teacher is such an impactful, passionate teacher in my life. I hold her in such high esteem. Why would I then judge someone who's teaching me two lessons, which I would interpret as being difficult or challenging? Who we ask someone who's a sibling who's taken me to the cleaners, like really often. Anyway, this this happens, right? We know that oftentimes, if there's an estate involved in their siblings more than the parents are gone, and then money's involved, things are not gonna be that easy. There's gonna be things that are hitting the fan and like it's not it's not a great situation for many people many times, right? And it was not good. It was not easy for us that I realized my sisters I'll just use the words that I've used before my sister is fight for lack of a better word, or money. was actually at the soul level my lesson to learn to value myself. And when I got to that depth of love was like, Oh, I can it. So now it's and also Dolores Cannon love her work. There was one interview that I saw her on on YouTube. And she said she made one statement, which is going to tie into the whole concept of this higher levels of connection with us, she made one statement. And she said, just, it was a message that she'd received many, many times. And she said, just please remember, please remember, don't create any new karma. So when I had a very difficult, challenging hard couple of years, going through all of this after my parents had passed away with siblings, and cousins, and other relatives, for example, when I realized, oh my god, I get I understand at the soul level what this was all about. Now, I have this sense within me, I can't explain it, I can't judge, I can't judge it, I can't qualify it, I can't make anyone believe what I how the way that I see it. The thing is this, I have this sense that when my sister and I are no longer in physical form, when we're back up in wherever that happens to be, if up is the direction that we go in, for example, we are going to throw our arms around each other and love each other and hold each other and say, Oh, we got it, we got it figured it out. We figured it out. And we didn't have to go back and try to make it better because we got the lesson. So this is the concept of soul lessons. Sometimes matching maybe more often than not, they come wrapped up in packages that are really difficult to deal with and really difficult to face. And on the surface, we don't see them as gifts, but at a soul level from that level of awareness to me. And it doesn't mean that I'm going to see everything as a gift every time when it's flattering you upside the head until you get down to it and doesn't mean that at all. Yeah, but over time with a little bit of reflection and introspection when I don't look at that one over there that hurt me and they're looking them over there that did that to me, per se right holding, blaming and shaming all kind of stuff there. None of that. But when I look at myself and say, Wow, how am I stronger, wiser or more insightful because of that. And then kind of three, four steps in a process number one, hold on to that which is deep and dark and heavy. Number two, turn the hand over, put a VLOOKUP Bagua mirror on the back of your hand and say, I'm just doing self reflection here. what did this mean for me potentially at a higher level of my my being? Yeah, when I can get an awareness of what that might be doesn't mean I'm going to get the answer, like you said, doesn't come right away. But when I have an insight into Oh, has made it what that's all about here. And maybe sometimes the clearing out in space and people in your life is to make room for that which is at a higher level of vibration, I get it. So then the third step of four is to see the value sense into the value that actually has great value. Because oftentimes think about people who have horrific accidents, who say coming through it, like maybe however long it takes to get back to health and well being but they say greatest gift ever, right sometimes. So the third step of four is to see proceed hold on to the value. But that to me at a soul level does not mean that the work is complete, and the chords have been released, to meet the energetic chords of connection are released, where you can hold gratitude for the experiences say I understand. I hold gratitude. Thank you for the gift that you offered me even though man that was really hard. I get it now. See, I It really hurt. And it was really deep. And it was really dark. It was really difficult. But I understand the lesson I understand the value. I get it and now I hold gratitude for that went back to my teacher, how would I hold? How could I hold any anger against someone who's gifted me the most powerful lesson that maybe at the highest possible level here I had an agreement with them to come back and actually work that through Wow, right?

DeeAnne Riendeau:

I love this conversation because it helps us to really start to see the truth of things. And I think it's hard to do when we're in it like you said, you know, when we're when we're looking to happen, you know, it's like okay, we just got to be in that space honor the feelings right? And eventually the we get out of our way as you mentioned.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

David T. Gross: So sometimes using the via car or vehicle metaphor, rather than stepping on the gas of my anger or stepping on the gas of my blame or whatever whatever good whatever it happens to be of holding on to rather than coming on the brakes and trying to push it away. How about we just go to neutral and that neutral state of the middle there's a pay I don't know what it is right now. I have no idea where this is going right now. When I also realized that I myself that's pretty hard because I did that talk in 3d here so the me that I know doesn't have all the answers right now but the Wii which is me connected to the higher self the Me me me I don't have the answers right now but we in connection with my higher self, it'll come to light it will come to let a trust that and therefore I'm just going to go neutral for a while here especially when things feel deep and dark and difficult kind of heavy. I it's not going to serve me to try to figure it out

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Right? And then that's what I call coasting. Yes, exactly. When we can just be in the coasting phase where it's like, okay, I don't need to resist what I'm feeling. I don't need to start it all figured out. I can just be in coasting phase. I love that.

DeeAnne Riendeau:this is kind of crazy. I have:DeeAnne Riendeau:

I talked about the willingness to receive all the time. Because, yes, a big issue for everything. Yes. Right. If we can't receive, you know, then we're giving and giving, feeling depleted, and we're giving and giving, feeling like we're not getting anything back, we've got to be willing to receive, right.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

David T. Gross: And that that ties into, of course, self worth, and all of that, right. So that's a whole nother set of chapters. So there it is.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Yes, it is. David, you went through this experience, you've written all these books, you know, what has been kind of the big things, the big messages that you learned, I mean, you've already shared a bit, I love this three, but I love the key things that you're just like, I need to share this with the world, these are the things that people need to know.

DeeAnne Riendeau:nd of afraid of, which is why:DeeAnne Riendeau:

It says, this is a really powerful conversation, because you know, how we respond to that particular situation is actually not usually about that particular situation. That's when hearing you say, right?

DeeAnne Riendeau:

David T. Gross: Not at all, but I wasn't aware of that. And it was, because I was in class I was teaching, I was in classrooms teaching. And all of a sudden, the pieces started coming together. In my mind's eye. It's like, oh, I didn't want all the data is at the time I'd given for the time, I was an ad for a couple of months and came back. I didn't see any of that until I started, actually, here we go until I started talking about it. It's till I started processing what that was, and then I could expand my awareness to what might that be kind of go in neutral, posting a little bit there? What might that be? And then boom, boom, boom, these pictures came back, like, oh, that's what it is.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

You know, I just I love this so much. Because I recently had this happened to me, I was really triggered because I was told that I wasn't going to be welcomed into a space to do readings anymore, which was like, depths of rejection, I didn't know what I did wrong, they've not communicated what I did wrong. So I have no idea. So of course, my wheels start going and I go into this deep place of despair. But what I recognize is the pattern of rejection for me. So I recognize I know the universe is aligning me with places that are of my highest good. I know this, and I do understand that. And what was so profound, however, was that I looked back at all these moments of rejection, and not just in this lifetime, but other lifetimes. Exactly. And so then all of a sudden, I was like, Oh, my God, like, this is such a theme for me. And I'm so afraid of rejection, it hurts so much, because it's someone saying you don't belong here.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

David T. Gross: That's right. Well, you don't belong. You're not good enough. Whatever it happens to be because we we can interpret that with so many different facets of the mirrorball, right?

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Yeah. Yeah. So you know, this topic.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

David T. Gross: I love that you share that it goes across lifetimes as well, because I have a story that the infant got the time I got a story to share with you that rocked my world when it came to light.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Okay, I want to hear it. So, I do want to just remind our audience, you know, what David really brought to the surface is notice the patterns. So I think that's one of the big things love big lessons that you wanted to bring to the surface and what you list was like, There's patterns here. So if we can find the patterns, oftentimes we can find the answers to our healing journey.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

David T. Gross: Let's put a step in between when we are aware of the patterns and we can get knowledge but they are we opened the door into the receiving of what that might be. And sometimes sometimes we will get the answer sometimes quickly, sometimes over time, sometimes we gotta go see a therapist who's trained in this to get us there. Yeah, we can't do it on our own. Right?

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Yes, yes. Okay, tell us the story.

DeeAnne Riendeau:, while:DeeAnne Riendeau:

Now what? That is the question, and I'm actually moving through a lot of my value, limiting beliefs as well right now, so I love they are compelled to share that story. Because I think as lightworkers as people who are stepping in to this healing role in the world, this yes, you know, we have so many insecurities and so many vulnerabilities because of the persecution because of the condemnation over many, many, many years. And so we question our value many of us have also been nuns and, you know, fall into that being in service category, right? And

DeeAnne Riendeau:

David T. Gross: Yes, I've got 14 lifetimes as a monk that I remember, up until the other countries I can tell you the age I can tell and I can tell you the bill, I can react I'm live not well, I've obviously lived in but I've read lived them. I know them. Yes. But there's there's a word that you used. And I can't remember right now. But I want to go back and reflect on that. When it comes to the society or the culture or the world is the state of the world as it is right now. What if the awareness of a soul lesson of the fear of being seen fear of being judged fear of being rejected and all of that, but when we here's the thing, I've been doing the work for so many years, and I have so much content? I've got a hard drives, you'll love this stuff. Listen, like I said, never like, hence my social medias. Like that's kind of, there's not a whole lot there. And the odd one, because I've always I've been holding, but that's also soul lessons like no, I need to, we need to get that out. We need to get this out. But what if the deeper level here is not just the awareness of the fact of why we're holding back and why we're afraid of being seen and why we're afraid of the judgment and why we're afraid of rejection or whatever it happens to be. But what if the soul lesson is when we get it and say, Okay, I get it, I understand you. I am not appreciative necessarily of the pain that I had to go through and the challenges that I felt going through this by get it, and therefore I can hold gratitude for that. And with that simple act of gratitude. I could like candy floss in your hand with organic loss in your mouth, it can dissolve the connections to that. So I don't need to do to repeat the pattern. Yeah. It's just the I don't have to Well, I might but ever have to go to a therapist to figure out why. Once I get the why. And I see the connections across lifetimes and timelines. Once I've got the awareness of the connections of the soul lessons. Okay, now, I might take a little bit of time to process Sure. But once I've got it, candyfloss in the most dissolved, we're good. And then what it means is getting in the car getting back in the vehicle, because we are the vehicle and never looking back in the rearview mirror taking the rearview mirror out of the vehicle. So all you're doing is looking forward. Ah, right.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

You know, this sounds like the protocol that Linda Howe teaches. And Linda Howe is a practitioner of cachexia, you must know her yes. Is awareness, acceptance, appreciation and appropriate action.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

David T. Gross: There we go. Yes.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Essentially, what you're saying here, like, these are the steps as we continue to see all this shit stuff come to the surface. You know, if we go through those steps, we alchemize that energy, we move forward in a way that allows us to be really truly on our divine path and not get pulled into the undercurrent of the fear or the worry or the stress of the world.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

David T. Gross: Yesterday, you've used the words shit and alchemy. So the ship and the heavy than the difficult stuff there actually we see as being diamonds and gold. Yes, because it's got value. It's gotten valued. Yeah, there's value there. And so once we can transmit, transmit whatever it happens to be the deepest, dark and the difficult and the heavy by reflecting on the value, then we can hold the gratitude. If I'm in gratitude, there, I can't hold on to fear. I can't hold on to blame. I can't hold on to shame. I can't hold on to anything that doesn't feel good that weighs you down on the vibrational scale there. If I'm in gratitude, it doesn't exist. Yes, it doesn't exist love. So what it means to me is a set finding the patterns figuring out and then just seeing the patterns initially, then being open to receiving what might this be and with some guidance, I mean, you offer guidance, I offer guidance to many on the planet who are offering guidance into insight and have the wisdom and the gifts and the knowledge and what that means for us. And then with a little bit of help a little bit of coaching, a little bit of counseling, whatever you want to call it, some people may be at the end of the kind of end of the spectrum, little bit of therapy. Yeah, figure it out. So that they don't care. It was, here's why we saw a bit of a tangent again. But here's why I found most of the women that I'm working with don't move forward faster. Because they have created an identity around the pain. They've connected their identity to the pain, yeah, and therefore stepping into the unknown, which is that that coasting in the middle they're stepping into the unknown is not a great place to be, because we don't know what's coming next. So if we have built an identity around who we are based on our pain, or the challenges or the difficulties in our life, and we can't, there's no way that we can get because the awareness is around the what isness not about the why. Yes. Right.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

So David, we're coming to a close here. And I know there's so much more that we can be going off on. But what's one more thing that you want people to know that's important about their experience here as human beings in this three dimensional world? Is there a quote? Is there something profound that you just love to share?

DeeAnne Riendeau:'m born in the Year of the ox:DeeAnne Riendeau:

Thank you for that analogy. And here's to live for the language here. Oh, no, we're good here. And you know here is to remembering who we are because that's ultimately what we're after to remit is our So David, what have you got in store for our people, our listeners, if they felt resonate with you and they feel compelled to reach out to you? How can they do that? Well What does that look like?

DeeAnne Riendeau:

David T. Gross: I love that you've just used the word remembering because my sacred journey is I take women on sacred journeys into Asia. Cambodia is my new favorite place Thailand was for for decades and more. Cambodia is my new favorite. Because there's a temple there, there's a combination of the sacred masculine, divine feminine, its most amazing place. And my journey is I call a journey of remembering and reconnecting, which means remembering who we are, and reconnecting with all that is right now on the higher scale there. So I'm compiling. It's a never ending, ever evolving document. It's a PDF. But it's remarkable to me where I'm taking all of the work that I'm doing in whatever countries I happen to be in with the individuals that I'm working with. And I'm identifying very simple questions that we can ask ourselves. The questions themselves seem rather simple. It's not always easy to get to the answer. Actually, maybe it's not always easy to to look at what we're getting as the answer to the insights here. But I'm building and I will share where it is right now in the evolution of this document here, a document that helps us to assess in what areas of our life and in what ways how are our soul lessons showing up for us that we're not even aware of?

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Beautiful, I love it.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

David T. Gross: We don't see them? We can't see them because we're in it. Right? We're in the coolant

DeeAnne Riendeau:

thoughts, right? It's like, I can't read my palm. If my hand is right there, right. It's just Yes. For me.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

David T. Gross: So so this is a series Yes, a series of statements and questions. And they're they're very, very simple. I mean, there's so simple, you think, well, I should be pretty obvious. And what we do is okay, basically what's resonating and then we look at the scale from one to 10. One being bad. Now that's not me, that doesn't make sense to 10 is like our Yeah, must do. Well, now one, right. Hey, and then we then we assess, okay, well, so we're looking at the 789, kind of vibrational response at a 789 out of 10, or 10, out of 10. It's like, okay, if we don't know what's going on, and we don't know why something is happening, or why it's showing up here. Now, then I've got I've got one thought, hundreds of snaps, I call them snapshots, snapshot insights, to help us now work through the process to figure out what does that mean for us? What is that perhaps at a soul level? Not saying it's always soul level for everybody? And not saying that we have all the answers because we don't because I can guide you. But the answers will be unique to you. However, so the initial assessment is what's going on Where's where are things there, and then the follow up stages are, oh, I want to check that or I want to check that or I want to check that out. And the this is channeled, these are channeled insights that give us the insight into from a soul level from our higher self. What this is.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Brilliant. So that's the gift and that will be in the shownotes, folks. So for those of you listening, that gift will be in the show notes, you'll be able to get with that and connect with David from there, David, oh, my gosh, you're such a ball of energy and life, I am so grateful that we were able to spend this time together. I can't wait to spend more time with you. We got to talk about your renewal and things that you're doing. And I am really looking forward to what's what's maybe in store for the two of us too. I have a few little thing.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

David T. Gross: At the event in October, we didn't have enough time to get our arms around and children sit and talk to each other. We dance but I love that I want that. I don't want I don't want to say I want because that's kind of tofu language and keep that I value that time with you. Because we will have conversations we will have we will explore assets of the beer ball the way that I see a lot of things in the world that won't come to light, if that will come to light because we are in connection.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

That's it. Oh, can't wait. Okay. We're going to do a little follow up my friend.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

David T. Gross: Thank you, my friend. Thanks.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

All right. Well, thank you all for tuning in to another episode of When Spirit Calls and I cannot wait for you to join us when we are back again in a couple of weeks. So until then, take care lots of love. Thank you, David.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

David T. Gross: Thank you.

DeeAnne Riendeau:


DeeAnne Riendeau:

So happy you could join us today. And we hope that you found comfort and inspiration with wherever you are at right now. If you feel you received a gift in today's message, please pass that gift along to a loved one by sharing this episode with them. To continue this conversation. Please join me at Rosehope.ca And when you do, be sure to access your free gift by signing up for the When Spirit Calls newsletter. I'm looking forward to connecting with you again soon.