Monica Ramirez
About Monica Ramirez:
Monica Ramirez the Warrior of Love, is a Transformational Belief Coach, she help healers, coaches and energy workers to connect to a higher consciousness and heal within, so that they can believe in themselves more deeply, take decisive action in their own lives and facilitate more profound transformations with their own clients.
She use NLP, BQH, Channeling, and Quantum Healing Techniques to access and reprogram the ‘motherboard’ of your being so that you can shed the unhelpful beliefs that hold you back, connect to the higher realms, and fulfill your personal and business potential. She is the best seller author in Amazon. Founder of Path to the Heart a transformational System.
She looking for Speaking opportunities to talk about believing in yourself, and Multidimensional Energy.
a. Book Your Complimentary Session: https://calendly.com/monicaramirez-warrioroflove/15-min-free-akashic-reading?month=2024-06
b. Calendly: https://calendly.com/monicaramirez-warrioroflove/reading-channel-galactic-akashic-reading-or-tarot