
“I knew it!” or “I had a feeling that was going to happen!” You have likely said this to yourself before and it is because spirit is always calling, and in these moments your intuition is coming alive to guide you. The question is, are you allowing the space needed to truly be guided by spirit?

You see, these days, most of us are on autopilot. We’re busy, distracted or so overwhelmed that we neglect to hear, sense or see the path that is lighting up just for us. These soft, gentle nudges that show us the path can be easy to miss in our busy world. However, as we allow more room for stillness, quiet, and grounding we deepen our ability to receive insights and understandings of ourselves and the world around us.

 ALL of us have the gifts to do so, the choice is yours. Are you ready to tune into spirit?

A mentor of mine joins us to talk about her journey and her divine wisdom about being your true whole self! Experiencing the loss of her mom to pancreatic cancer, it shifted her trajectory and gave her a whole new perspective on life. Glenda shares her advice about how we move through energy and deepen our understanding and compassion for others as well as dialing into what you desire! Bonus-I share how Glenda activated light language for me and we even share some light language for you too!
In this episode Chantel and I take a deep dive into our authentic truth and understanding the layers of our truths so that we can be free of the self-sabotage and self-judgments most of us place upon ourselves. It takes personal power, it takes courage, it takes support and so much more for us to live our most divine path but we are not alone!
Dynamic and authentic counsellor Jennifer Vauthrin, takes us into her world by sharing a glimpse of her anxiety filled life and how she let her self to be led to a path of healing and discovery. Staying isolated was a big part of her life because it was “safe”, eventually she discovered that there was more to life and made a choice to step out of her shell and face her fear and anxiety. She rebounded with great success becoming a multi-faceted entrepreneur and finding her gifts as a healer, eventually becoming a counsellor when she helps a wide range of channels from addiction to anxiety. Join us as she shares some of the ways she broke from the anxiety and how to mange it.
Sheri tells us of her journey to break free from an unhealthy marriage and sets upon a great adventure into the unknown to Ireland. When she began to lean in and ask for what she wanted, signs began to show up and directed her next steps and she wiped the slate clean and started over. Her ancient wisdom awakened with in her, and she stepped into her gifts.
Join Ian Hawkins as he shares his rediscovery process and remembrance of who he is through the passing of his father. Through the sharing of his stories Ian shows us the power in our own knowing, feeling and ultimately our intuition. Ian was able to move from “I will be happy when” to “happiness is present now.” Ian has become a master alchemist and has powerful insights to help heal and understand grief more deeply.
In this episode we touch on a wide range of ideas including imagination, having children who chose us and weaving in spirituality into every corner of our lives. Carol shares her touching story of childhood and her imaginary friend Joe and his dog, as well as her journey with 4 children as a single parent having to strive to complete school and create a life for her family. Carols gentle yet courageous spirit is felt in her sharing and she leaves us with some value insights to ponder.

Welcome to the Divine Collective. We are a team of healers, teachers, and intuitives who are here to raise the vibration of humanity and shine our light on this world.

Our goal is to serve you.

Each member of the collective brings their unique abilities and sacred gifts to support you and help you along your path. Please feel free to read more about the team and book your complimentary session with any one of our incredible souls. Interested in becoming part of the Divine Collective? Message DeeAnne here

Jennifer Takagi

Lesley Evans

Lyndsay King

Jarrod Kerfoot

Adele Anderson

Brooke Kekos

Chantel White

Sam Kirouac

Kat Gagnon

Janice Liski-Skinner

I look forward to the opportunity to work with you!

Get ahold of me here: