I am delighted to welcome Talia Pamensky onto the podcast today. She shares with us her journey of awakening as a young person with an old soul and how it has guided her to where she is today. She delves into a beautiful conversation about the power of the feminine and returning to the wisdom of  your body and heart.

Talia’s offering to our listeners:

● Upcoming Events in London; Retreats in Paris and Iceland – Visit taliapamensky.com.

●    1:1 coaching availability; DM Talia on Instagram with the CODE “RoseHope30” to receive a FREE 30-minute session.

Connect with Talia:

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Join Rev. DeeAnne for a free 7 day journey into the Akashic Records by registering here:


About the Guest:

Talia is a transformational coach, healer and yogi. As the president of the Mindfulness Society along with her education in Theology and Philosophy, her mission is guiding others to return to the light that they are. She is passionate about sharing the teachings that changed her life.

Talia hosts the Wisdom Within podcast, and she facilitates international workshops and retreats, using different modalities to help people reconnect with their power, radiance and joy.


About the Host:

Rev. DeeAnne ‘Rose Hope’ Riendeau  B.Msc, HADM, PIDP, NLP is a thought leader in spiritual and business development whose mission is to elevate how we think and live. Experiencing a life of chronic illness, and 2 near death experiences, DeeAnne rebounded with 20 years of health education and a diverse health career.

She is known as the modern day Willy Wonka for giving away her company Your Holistic Earth, which is the first holistic health care system of its kind.  She is currently the owner of Rose Hope International, in which she helps those who are seeking more joy, love, freedom, and a deeper meaning in life using your souls library also known as the Akashic Records. 

She has spoken at Harvard University, appeared on Shaw TV, Global Television, and CTV and has been recognized as a visionary and business leader having been nominated for numerous awards including Alberta Business of Distinction. Along with being an entrepreneur, DeeAnne is a mom of 2 bright kids, publisher, popular speaker and international bestselling author who uses her heart and her head to guide others to create their best life. 

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WSC Intro/Outro: This is When Spirit Calls and you on your journey, are in the right place. This show is about magic, miracles and meaning shared through stories, interviews and channeled messages. We have so much to share about who you are and your divine mission here on the earth, let's get to it When Spirit Calls. Is right now.


Rev. Rose Hope: It's such a treat today to welcome our guest, Talia Pamensky. Talia is a transformational coach, healer and Yogi. She is the host of the wisdom within podcast, and has facilitated international workshops and retreats to help people reconnect with their power, radiance and joy. Her spiritual journey deepened in her studies of Theology and Philosophy at the University of Cambridge, where she explored Buddhism, Hinduism, and mindfulness. As President of the mindfulness society, she became passionate about sharing teachings that changed her life, and after solo traveling the world, learning from healers, her mission is now to guide others to return to the light that they are. Please join me in welcoming our guest to the show today, Talia.


Hello, everyone. I'm so happy to be back with you on When Spirit calls. Today, I have a guest, an international guest, and I'm so delighted to welcome Talia to us today. Hello!

Talia Pamensky:


Talia Pamensky:

Rev. Rose Hope: Oh, it's so this is so fun, because, you know, for you all listening, I was actually on Talia podcast a while back, and we just loved our conversation so much. I thought, let's get you on my show. I want to hear more about your story and the beautiful wisdom that you share, because you're pretty young to have all the wisdom that you have. Like, obviously, you're an old soul. So, you know, it was so interesting to me, because I think when I was, you know, about your age, like, I didn't have a clue, like, about life and what I was doing, and you have such a good head on your shoulders, like you already have this enlightened perspective, I'll call it. So I just would love for you to start us off, share a little bit about yourself. You know, how did you get to doing the podcast you're doing? How did you come to this space that you're in now?

Talia Pamensky:ature. And then when I was at:Talia Pamensky:

Rev. Rose Hope: Yeah, you know, this is so beautiful. Like, I love that you started out with, like, I think I just had the courage to listen. And it's so profound, because many of us have so much layers of conditioning, you know, that make us question ourselves, and I think that's been the case for a lot of people. You know, we question ourselves, and I commend you on your courage to listen. It sounds so simple to listen, right? To just listen to the call of spirit, but it's not really when we've been layered with all these other conditionings and belief systems that get in our way. And I feel that you're such an old soul that you came into this world like ready to listen. And I just love, I love that you've leaned in, and I love that you've continued to explore it. So okay, based on what you said, What is God to you? I'm curious to know, What Does god mean to you.

Talia Pamensky:

Amazing question. I also wanted to add that it hasn't been all that easy. After I finished in Austin, I also went traveling for over a year and a half, basically, and that was a huge journey of listening, because when you solo, travel without plans. It teaches you surrender and listening. Thank you. Yeah, and for me, God. So I actually grew up Jewish, and so the idea of God that I grew up with was, don't eat poor good god will punish you. You know, it was like.

Talia Pamensky:

Rev. Rose Hope: oh, yeah, I was raised Catholic, so if I did anything that was out of perfection, then it was like, You need to feel bad and guilty and shameful, and you're going to be punished for it. So I can, I can relate,

Talia Pamensky:

yeah, yeah. And I always was very confused about what God is. I remember I would actually look into the light bulbs and think that God was in there, because I was told that God was everywhere. There was actually a song we'd sing in synagogue that I just remembered when I went to the children's service was like, God is truly everywhere. Up, up, down, down, right, left, all around you. Here, there, everywhere, that's where he can ground. And so I think I was confused about what it was, because I felt of always talking to me. And then I was like, That is He in the light bulbs? But like, How involved is he in my life, in my day to day life? And then obviously, when I went on to study theology and philosophy, I just got exposed to, you know, all these ideas of, like predestination and, like, what type of role he has in relation to time. And I think now, now for me, I've, like, really aligned with, not aligned with, but I resonate with the law of the one that, like we are all source, like God is everything, and like it's not separate from us, and that everything, even in the physical world, is a portal into the divine because there's no separation. And that no separation is such a powerful thing to realize and also feel and see,

Talia Pamensky:

Rev. Rose Hope: yes, because I've seen, it's so potent when we can see divine in each other. We don't, we don't judge anymore, because, like, I see you and me, you know, and you see me and you and like, you know, we we start to get this understanding that even in difficult times, that there's still God there. Like the suffering is absent of God, you know, it's our perception, whatever that experience is, but it's not absent of God, you know. And when we start understand that on that deeper level, I think that's when we really start to save humanity. I think that's when we are no longer in fear, because we just have this deeper aspect of compassion for one another. So I also that resonates for me as well, that God is, I used to think God was a man in the sky, you know, like way out there, like me, you know, that was God, and I didn't realize I had direct access, you know. And so it's a beautiful thing when we can start opening ourselves up to the power of that and the potential of that. So thank you for answering that question.

Talia Pamensky:

Yeah, I think learning Tantra was so powerful in understanding and doing practices where you really learn to experience God and other people in terms of like the eye gazing and the connection and the touch. And I think, yeah, it's just so beautiful when you lean into it on the human realm. Because I think we have an idea of it being separate to us, like God in the sky, because that's what a lot of religions have taught us. And so when you bring the God into you and realize that you are God, like your whole perspective of reality changes.

Talia Pamensky:

Rev. Rose Hope: Now, what do you say to people that are listening that are like, Oh, this is New Agey, you know, like God is in you. That's a bit new agey, you know. Do you have any pushback? Like, do you find that people challenge you? I mean, you have some science background as it relates to spirituality. Can you maybe express that to people of like, that they're actually quite connected that, like everything, that spirituality is actually founded in some level of science. And for those people that are like, that's just new agey, you know, mumbo jumbo, like, how do you respond to that?

Talia Pamensky:

Yeah, that's a good question. I think the religion science to be has always been one that I've been very interested in. Obviously, I haven't really done so much science. I have more of a back. I live philosophy in theology, but I did an Applied Psychology research, yeah, but I think for me, it's actually I now see everything that people were saying as a mirror to something in them. So if they have a problem with me saying something, or are pushing back, it's a reflection of something in them that doesn't believe, doesn't trust. You know, is very 3d of them. And I think there's actually not much difference between what was written in ancient wisdoms to now, you know, it's like, we're graced in the image and likeness of God. Yeah, that's like in the Bible. So it's like, it's not really new agey. When you really, like, look at that, everything has really been saying the same thing the whole time.

Talia Pamensky:

Rev. Rose Hope: Yeah, just in different ways, yes.

Talia Pamensky:

Exactly, yeah. And so I think, you know, there is science to back it up too, like the quantum physics side of things. And, you know, even in biology, you can see. That, like everything is interconnected and dependent, like you can't. Nothing can exist in isolation, yes, and so and nothing can be perceived without the subject. And all these things are like on micro, micro levels, yeah. And also so many scientists we know have got so far, and then they start questioning God. That was what I realized, is that whatever avenue I go down, whatever I study, whatever I do for work, you always end up coming to God, because that's the highest, biggest thing that you can ever conceive of. And so the deeper you go into anything, you're always going to come to God, whether you accept it or not. That's up to you. And I don't know if you know the parable of the journey of the celestial path, but it's like you can go through life being like this doesn't exist. This is all bullshit. Or you can be on the path of like life is magical. And the truth is, you'll never really, quote, unquote, know until the end and when it becomes a spirituality, even the idea of knowing, it's like a different type of knowing that you're you're not going to get the numbers and the stats, and if you're attached to that, then it's a losing game, because it's a different type of knowledge, which I would argue isn't even knowledge, or what's beyond,

Talia Pamensky:

Rev. Rose Hope: Yeah, you know, it's this is so fascinating to me, because I really feel like so many people are awakening or remembering. They're remembering who they truly are, you know. And it's all these extrinsic conditionings, you know, and parameters that have been placed on us that you know, yet kind of caught into, and then we kind of lose sight of our inner truth. Yeah. So tell me how you help people to find that inner truth in them. So you you now work as this healer, as this light worker, and you're guiding people. What does that look like for you?

Talia Pamensky:

Yeah, yeah. So I didn't really get onto my trainings in the story of my life so far. But back to that, yeah, yeah. So after I finished in Austin, my year was up, and then I knew I wanted to be a healer, but I was like, what? Where do I go next with this? And the answer I got was surrender, which is still the answer today, right? And yeah, I did a I did. I've done trainings in yoga, tantra, chore and somatics, life coaching, hypnotherapy. And honestly, I I'm here to continue learning, but I've learned that every tool, every modality, is just different ways to come back to you. I like the wisdom that's already in you, hence the name my podcast, wisdom within and so the work I do uses different modalities, but really it's just holding people in a container of unconditional love that they feel safe to come home to themselves, whether that's through movement, through talking, through meditation, through retreats that I help lead around the world where you are held in a container for a few days to step outside of your life, your day to day life, that is so I did one in Bali, and then I've got two Coming up in Iceland and France, wow. And I'm teaching regular classes in London as well. So I've also hosted events and workshops and online things. And I think it's just about I think many people are in so much pain, and then situations that are terrible for a lot of people, and so just holding people in a container of Love makes you realize that you are love, because you see yourself in who you are when you feel safe to relax into it, yeah, then so that's the gift I can give people.

Talia Pamensky:

Rev. Rose Hope: I love it, and I can feel the love just radiating from you as you're speaking about it too. This feels so warm and fuzzy. Ah, it's so interesting that you have a trip in Iceland, because this has come up a few times for me and some of my clients recently. So we're gonna make sure that we we get all that information and put this come Wow.

Talia Pamensky:

Yeah, there was called transcendence, and it's with my Tantra teacher from Austin. So it's going to be about intimacy and connection and experiencing the divine through nature and connection. And so intimacy is just into me, I see. And so, as I was saying before, I've never heard that. Yeah, yeah. And so I don't know if you've heard of think of Martin Buba, the i thou connection I wrote, like a dissertation on it in Cambridge. But it's basically that, like when you are in direct presence with someone else or something else, whether it. A tree, or whether it's a person, it's like you are experiencing the divine through that, yeah, as a vessel. And so that is done by becoming present and being in a new environment where you feel safe, to relax into that. And retreating is like retreating back into your heart. And I love retreats. I went on my first one in Costa Rica after I graduated with my research lab, and I was like, This is what I want to do. Like, I love a retreat. This is so fun.

Talia Pamensky:

Rev. Rose Hope: Well, you know, I literally just bought a property in El Salvador, which is just above Costa Rica. Oh my gosh, we have a whole acre, and I'm imagining this beautiful sanctuary for people to come and heal. So I'm leaning into that, letting God guide me on that too. So anyway, that's, I love the ideas of retreats, too. And I think, you know, I think people are more hungry, I guess for them.

Talia Pamensky:

yeah, I think people are like, craving experiences. You know, there's so much more value in putting that money towards a retreat than just staying in a resort and, yeah, drinking alcohol. Do you know what I mean? It's like people are really starting to desire connection with, you know, technology, with just the way the world's going, I think we exist in polarity. And so people are going to be, yeah, who are desiring that a lot more.

Talia Pamensky:

Rev. Rose Hope: Yeah. So I'm curious, because you work in such a space where you really pour love into people, for the listeners that really need to lean into a bit more love in themselves. What are some of the foundational things that you would typically share with your clients that would help them or that you feel that they need to know to help them as they continue to lean into that love or to witness that of themselves? Is there anything that

Talia Pamensky:

would be useful? Yeah, I think this has been a huge journey for me. So my human design, if you know what that is, or people listening, go look up your human design project. Yeah, I'm a manifesting generator, but my incarnation crosses vessel of love, and so I'm here basically to out connect people to love, love for their bodies, love for the earth, love for life, love for each other. And it's been a journey of because I used to be so I am so loving, I often would get very burnt out and be in that state of martyrdom over giving people pleasing. And I think a lot of people mistake being loving for that, and I'd say to the first thing is firstly just noticing, if that's you, if that's resonating and always pouring into yourself, first, in a radical way,

Talia Pamensky:

Rev. Rose Hope: What does a radical way look like? It means, like, what hugging yourself, celebrating yourself

Talia Pamensky:

it means being actually honest with yourself

Talia Pamensky:

Rev. Rose Hope: aha, thank you.

Talia Pamensky:

And being disciplined in loving yourself, because I was so quick just to let ourselves go, yeah? And actually knowing what are the things that light me up and doing them, because I think people know what it is, but they don't do them. And even when they do do them, they're not always doing it with intention, yeah, you know. So there's such a movement in self care, you know, like, let's have a bath, let's go to a spot that's, you know, all these things. But like, there's actually so much depth you can go into with even just, like rubbing moisturizer, like you can make it a ceremony and a ritual, and, like, make it something like beautiful, or you can just do it super quick, and, like, not do it in that way. And so there's, I think it's just like treating yourself as if you're like, like I in one of my favorite books, Percy reclamation, she talks about like, decorating your house if the most important person in the world's coming over, that person is you love it. So just like, really, like remembering and connecting with your inner child and connecting with times where you didn't do that and like just giving yourself all the things that you never received.

Talia Pamensky:

Rev. Rose Hope: I love this because I think we look for extrinsic experiences or people to bring us what we didn't receive before, or what we're leaving. But the recognition is that we have it within us. We just have to be willing to access it within us, right? Like all of that has been innately given. I don't need to get someone else's approval. I can give it to myself. If I don't need someone else to necessarily, you know, hold my hand. I can hold my own hand. And not to say that we're trying to create more separation or too much independence, but it's about recognizing that we can be to ourselves everything that we need.

Talia Pamensky:

Yeah, exactly. And I think, yeah, that was also a journey I went on when I solo, traveled I like, went back into feeling everything, and I found it quite hard to be around people, because I retracted a lot. And I think the message is just knowing there's a season for everything. And the depth to which you really connect with yourself, learn to regulate yourself, learn to be with your emotions, is the depth to which you can be like that with other people and have people who can hold you in that. Because if you can't connect with in yourself, then you won't even attract someone, whether it's a partner or a friend, that you can be vulnerable with in that way.

Talia Pamensky:

Rev. Rose Hope: It's brilliant. I mean, I had this saying, you know, the relationships you have with people outside of yourself are often an indication of the relationship you have within yourself. You know, if we're lacking something within ourselves, we might have an iffy relationship or a struggling relationship, because there's something within us that requires some mending or some nurturing, or whatever that might be. And so when my relationships outside of me are going really well, it's like, yay me. Okay. I'm doing okay today. I'm doing okay today. So interesting.

Talia Pamensky:

Yeah, and it's just a mirror. It's just a mirror. And like, sometimes the universe will put you in times of solitude. And I read this quote once. It's like, actually, God comes to you in solitude. It comes to you through others too, but I think it can come to the spaces that empty and fill you. And so it's just like cleaning yourself and allowing, allowing whatever wants to come, whoever wants to come, and like, trusting in the timing of that.

Talia Pamensky:

Rev. Rose Hope: Yeah, it's back to that surrender that you spoke about earlier. You know, yeah, rendering, yeah, it's beautiful. Oh my gosh. Okay, well, I I love this conversation. What else would you love to share with our listeners, as we kind of are coming to the close of our session,

Talia Pamensky:

I think for anyone listening now, I think I've spoken a lot into you know, going into yourself, loving yourself, but I think Also knowing it's okay to ask for support, and it's important to ask and receive. Yeah, because I think you live in an environment a lot of the time where maybe a pattern that you're used to doing everything you're hyper individual. Yeah, you're hyper independent. And so reach out. I'm here. You're here. There's people on Earth who just want to love you and help you, and there are people there for you wherever you are.

Talia Pamensky:

Rev. Rose Hope: Oh, what a beautiful message and a reminder for us. You know, I'm I'm not good at asking for help. You know, I've always been pretty independent. Put on a brave face. You know, that was always me, and now I'm recognizing that it is okay for me to say, You know what, I need help with this. And one of the things I want to bring up about that is like anybody listening ever asked for help, but then block themselves on receiving. Because I don't know about you, Talia, but that was something that would happen for me is I'd be like, Okay, I'm open to, I want the help. I'm asking for help. But then someone would step into help, and I'd be like, Oh, no, don't even worry about it. I'll take care of the thing. Or, you know what I mean, I'd ask for, you know, some prayers to be answered. And then I it was almost like I would, like, block myself, maybe even energetically on receiving. And I think that's just, I just am inviting people to reflect on that as they're hearing that, like, if you're going to ask, be open to the receiving right, let yourself actually receive it. And I think that's just a really important point to just, you know, reiterate, too,

Talia Pamensky:

Yes, receive, risky, receive.

Talia Pamensky:

Rev. Rose Hope: Right? I receive. I receive. I love the practicing of I receive, you know, and you know, I even receive the lessons too, you know, like, I gotta receive it all. Like, that's what my soul came here to do was to just get as much as possible out of this finite life right here. So, yeah, it's beautiful. Okay, well, I can't, we'll wrap it up. How can people reach out to you? How can they find you?

Talia Pamensky:

Yeah, so my Instagram's Talia Pamensky. My website is taliapamensky.com and my podcast is Wisdom Within and on my website, there are the links to the retreat and on my Instagram too. So we'd love to meet lots of you there and work with you on zoom as well. And if any of you're in London, then they'll get in touch. So yeah.

Talia Pamensky:

Rev. Rose Hope: Amazing. So fun. Oh, I loved having this conversation about love and about God. So thank you so much for coming on the show with me, and yeah, we're gonna be in touch and for all you listening. Thank you so much for tuning in. I hope that you feel the love that is being shared with all of you today, and we'll be back again soon. So until then, let spirit continue to call you. Bye, everyone.

Talia Pamensky:


Talia Pamensky:

WSC Intro/Outro: So happy you could join us today, and we hope that you found comfort and inspiration with wherever you are at right now, if you feel you received a gift in today's message, please pass that gift along to a loved one by sharing this episode with them. To continue this conversation, please join me @ rosehope.ca and when you do, be sure to access your free gift by signing up for the When Spirit Calls newsletter. I'm looking forward to connecting with you again soon.