Ainsley McSorley

Ainsley McSorley About Ainsley McSorley: I help middle aged women break free from the labels, expectations, and limiting beliefs that have kept them small. As an Authenticity Coach, I guide women—especially mothers—through a journey of rediscovery, empowerment, and...

Natasha Rosie

Natasha Rosie About Natasha Rosie: Meet Natasha Rosie, a passionate life coach who uniquely combines personal experience with professional training from the Jay Shetty Certification program. Understanding the challenges of trauma, self-doubt, and overwhelm, Natasha...

Misty Morton

After excelling as a professional trades person & working in a male dominating industry for almost 12 years as a Red Seal Journeyman Carpenter and a Construction Safety Officer, I knew in my heart that my passion was to Empower, Inspire, & Educate others. I...

Darlene Gudrie Butts

Darlene Gudrie Butts is an intuitive, soul-based coach, best-selling author and sought-after ghostwriter renowned for her unique ability to help individuals craft the next chapter in their life. Through personal coaching, Darlene has the ability to connect deeply with...

Jolyne Attril

Our purpose on Earth is to heal, learn, and grow while supporting others. My early life was marked by chronic illness and a quest for relief from constant headaches and stomach pain through conventional means. Discovering holistic approaches, I found a 26-degree...

Rowan Sky

Rowan Sky About Rowan Sky: Rowan is a highly skilled psychic medium, Reiki Master/Teacher and SoulCare Coach, specializing in the Akashic Records. She embarked on a transformative journey beginning in 2005 when a serious car accident allowed her to witness a miracle...