Breanne Julia Yoga

About Breanne Julia Yoga: Breanne Julia Yoga emerged from Breanne’s transformative journey through loss and self-discovery. Her early experiences with grief and life’s challenges led her to momentarily forget the beauty and potential of life. Through the process of...

Andreea Tamas

Andreea Tamas Andreea is in love with Life and People. She is a certified Coach, Speaker, and Trainer with John Maxwell, a Reiki Practitioner, a SoulCare Coach specializing in Akashic Records, and, soon will be a certified NLP coach. After moving from Romania to the...
Janice Liski-Skinner

Janice Liski-Skinner

Janice Liski-Skinner About Janice Liski-Skinner: Janice Liski-Skinner- is a speaker and mentor through her company Enlighten Your Life, in which she provides tools and support to shine a light on the path of others. After spending over 30 years as a Nurse specializing...

Chantel White

Chantel White About Chantel White: Chantel White is a certified Equine Gestalt Coach, Soul Care Coach, Peer Facilitator, Author, and Truth Seeker. She has been helping people find their truth and heal old stuck patterns for over a decade using horses, nature and...

Brooke Kekos

Brooke Kekos Brooke helps women who feel alone and lost discover their truth and stand in their personal power using her training as a Relationship life coach, rapid transformational therapist (RTT), hypnotherapy and psychotherapy. Brooke utilizes her professional...
Jarrod Kerfoot

Jarrod Kerfoot

About Jarrod Kerfoot: After using the Akashic Records to heal his own mental, physical, emotional and spiritual illness, Jarrod now uses the Akashic Records as support for healing others. Sit with your Guides and Guardian Angels as Jarrod becomes a Divine Masculine...