Having a childhood amongst the paranormal and family challenges, Amber speaks about her experience trying to “fit in”. Eventually, Amber discovered she was a “starseed,” which is a human who has come from another galaxy or dimension. As such, she became more curious and started to research and explore herself more deeply. An adventure to Bali helped her on her path and eventually she realized that helping others to know more of themselves and who they really are was her divine path.
About the Guest:
Amber Courtney is a new Earth Ascension way shower. Her mission is to help individuals through their spiritual healing and growth journey with her quantum techniques to expand their frequency and consciousness for accelerated Ascension.
About the Host:
DeeAnne Riendeau is a thought leader in spiritual and business development who’s mission is to elevate how we think and live. Experiencing a life of chronic illness, and 2 near death experiences, DeeAnne rebounded with 20 years of health education and a diverse health career.
She is known as the modern day Willy Wonka for giving away her company Your Holistic Earth, which is the first holistic health care system of its kind. She is currently the owner of Rose Hope International, in which she helps those who are seeking more joy, love, freedom, and a deeper meaning in life using your souls library also known as the Akashic Records.
She has spoken at Harvard University, appeared on Shaw TV, Global Television, and CTV and has been recognized as a visionary and business leader having been nominated for numerous awards including Alberta Business of Distinction. Along with being an entrepreneur, DeeAnne is a mom of 2 bright kids, publisher, popular speaker and international bestselling author who uses her heart and her head to guide others to create their best life.
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This is When Spirit Calls, and you on your journey are in the right place. This show is about magic miracles and meaning shared through stories, interviews and channeled messages. We have so much to share about who you are and your divine mission here on the earth. Let's get to it When Spirit Calls is right now.
DeeAnne Riendeau:Hello beautiful souls out there. I'm so happy to be back with you for another wonderful episode on When Spirit Calls and today I have the lovely Amber Courtney with us. And Amber is a New Earth ascension wayshower. So what she does her mission is to help individuals through their spiritual healing and growth. She takes them on this journey through Quantum techniques that expand their frequency and consciousness for accelerated ascension. So for those of you that are looking for this opportunity to evolve into the next phase, Amber is your gals so excited to have amber with us today.
DeeAnne Riendeau:I am so happy to be back with all of you on When Spirit Calls. And I'm even more happy to have our special guest today. The lovely Amber Courtney is here. Hi, Amber.
Amber Courtney:Hello, thank you for having me.
DeeAnne Riendeau:I am so glad to have you. Now our audience just learned a little bit about you. And as typical these interviews, I love to start off with a little bit of story. And so really wanting to invite you to share your process your journey. How did you go from where you were to where you are today? So will you start us off with that?
Amber Courtney:Yes, of course. Yeah. So I mean, I feel like for most people, I wouldn't maybe I shouldn't say most, but for a lot of us that find ourselves into this path. It wasn't always an easy path finding myself here. And I knew from a very young age, like very, very young age, that something was different about me. I remember like having my consciousness come online when I was about four years old. And like being like, hyper aware of the fact that like yesterday, I couldn't remember anything. And that was like, why can I remember my what happened yesterday or the you know, it was like, all of a sudden, you're just like, aware and like everything's wiped clean. And you're like, Whoa, what is going on here. So it really started from right there. And then that I knew I started having experiences with spirits and paranormal, it was really mostly paranormal kind of stuff, most of the stuff that you hear and you know, the stories of people that have bad experiences, or like the scary movies, that kind of stuff. And it was very much a part of like my life. I mean, my dad was also having a lot of experiences, which, you know, come to realize now, I obviously got a lot of my gifts from him. But yeah, I was never really able to, you know, move forward with that event, I had a lot of experiences as a child, I was really very highly connected to my higher self. So much so that it was like, difficult for me to be a child like I was like learning how to be a human. And I'm having to fit in with kids and do kid things. But I didn't feel like a child. And so I would have to like almost bring myself down to either like fit in or to like get through the school systems, which there's no way I could do that. They were failing me by the time I was in grade two because I was just like, having it like I knew I was here for SAS life. And it was not to go to the school systems. It was not to like go to college, it was none of that. And by the time I got into my preteen years, I really found myself down a dark path and, you know, as a star seed so star seed being that my soul originates from a different solar system, different galaxy. I incarnated into a very difficult family that had a lot of stuff going on a lot of trauma, a lot of addiction issues, a lot of abuse. And I just felt super lost. I just felt like what am I doing here on this planet like this is just horrible. I don't remember why I came here. I knew that I was here for some reason. It was something I would get visions for it, but I wasn't expressing that. And it created such a disharmony in my life where I couldn't, I couldn't be who I wanted to be every time I tried to talk about spirits or things people will just shut me down. And so I found myself into drugs and alcohol and going through abusive relationships and moving out at a very young age and got completely disconnected. But during that disconnection is also when I also got kind of connected to and so spirit. You know, it's really interesting. I remember from a young age really having these streetlights always going out every time I go underneath the streetlights and I just felt Like, there was a reason for it. And I was like, What's going on here? For years, and I would just be intuitively pulled places or spirits would play. Like, I was like, I was like born knowing how to play piano. And, you know, my son was my piano would play on its own. And things were just always happening. And I felt it didn't feel negative. Like everybody tried to tell me it was, I knew it was like something good, but I just, I wasn't able to do anything with it. And then so when I got into my young 20s, I was living in a condo and I was living by myself. And you know, as an empath, like most empaths being around, people were really hard, and other people could live with roommates. And I just like, couldn't do it. So I'd like work extra hard just to be able to, like live on my own and have my own space. And, man, the experiences, there was always something whether it was like getting attacked in my sleep, you know, the negative ones, or, you know, driving around on night shift. And I would just be like seeing these, these lights go out all over the place. And I just would be spending so much time Googling, like, what does this mean? What was going on here to other people experiences, so people like now. And then. And then. So it brought me to 2019, where I went to Bali. And it shifted something in me. And I came back. And all of a sudden I was like I didn't want to drink I didn't want to like, I didn't want to do drugs anymore. Like I really just wasn't, didn't want it. And then I got pregnant. So my body was like getting me ready for that. And then I started having the experiences positive or my grandmother who was past, my great grandmother was visiting me in my sleep, and she was telling me about who I came here to be and who my daughter was going to be and how she's a reincarnation of, you know, this other woman in our family line. And it was just, it was just also profound, because that I had my daughter, and a month later I go see a psychic because she just confirms everything that I've been through in my life. And it was just like that whole everything in my life had led me up to that moment, that spirit was calling me through my whole life. And leading me and helping me and giving me the strength to get through everything that I got through to just lead me to that moment of awakening, and then boom.
DeeAnne Riendeau:There it was.
Amber Courtney:Yeah.
DeeAnne Riendeau:Oh my gosh. And so now you're able to help other people and guide other people by using these beautiful gifts that you have, which I love. So, so much. Okay, there's so much that I want to talk about here. Because, you know, I don't think you were really alone in the process. You know, you're you call yourself star seed. But we've also got crystal Indigo and rainbow children. And I just want to speak to those briefly. Because there's so many crystal children coming to the surface now. And the parents are like, I don't know what to do with my kid. Are they autistic? Do they have disabilities? Like what's wrong with them? And I first want to start by saying there is absolutely nothing wrong with these beautiful, beautiful souls that are coming in. And I think you can probably agree with that, too. And you know, I was Indigo. So I'm I am Indigo. And so I came in also knowing that I had this bigger mission. But I and I struggled. I struggled to be in my humaneness. Right, like I resisted my humaneness. And especially when I had my near death, it was almost like I didn't even want to be in my human form, because I knew what there was on the other side. So it took me a lot to stay anchored and grounded in. And I suspect for you, that was part of the process for you to have like understanding, hey, I did choose to be here. But now I know for sure like you've got validation. And sometimes we need that bit of validation to keep us rooted here. And I love that you went through this journey of addiction of trauma of all of that, because, again, it you're right, many of us have experienced different levels of that. But what we choose to do with it, that's where the magic lies. And I think that is that is your power right there in you saying you know what, I'm not going to allow that history to own me, I'm not going to let it you know, crush me or have power over me. I'm going to choose to then take all of what I've been through. And I'm going to use that to help other people. So I bow down to I so I think that's incredible, because you could have easily chosen and very different path, right? Yeah. So I want to empower the audience listening to say, hey, wait a second, I have a choice. I have a choice right here right now, to choose how I'm responding to the life I've had and responding to the current experiences that I'm going through right now. You have a choice. So I really feel like it's important to share that with the audience today. So that being said, Okay, you talked about some not so good experiences, too. I'm just curious, can you share just like one of the weird experiences because I know our audience is always like, Oh, but what happened? Like what was the story there? Can you share one of the was kind of weird experiences that you had that you didn't understand at the time.
Amber Courtney:Yes. Yeah. Yeah, it was, um, it Okay, so I was living in that condo. And obviously there was like bad energy going on around me. And you know, you like most people that are awakening know that you know these entities these beings are trying to keep you in fear so you don't find your gifts right. And so I I knew like intuitively that's what was going on. And so I would it's it would come off and on, it would literally come off and on and I knew I had this little girl spirit with me from when I lived in this haunted mansion when I was a kid was a whole thing. She was like my protector, but there was this male spirit that maybe he was a part of the building I lived in, I don't know, but he was haunting me. And he would, you know, I'd be standing there and like doors would fly open or the washer would fly open, things would just like happen, I'd be laying in bed and the lights would just turn off. And, you know, I'd be like, okay, whatever, like I just brushed it off, because I just intuitively knew like, just don't feed into it, just don't feed into it. But it progressively started getting worse. And it was like, you know, then I would feel the spirit at my doorway. And so then I would start sleeping with my doors shut. And then I would feel the spirit at the edge of my bed or like the end of my bed like watching me while I sleep. And then eventually, I started to feel like it was laying on me like suffocating me while I was sleeping. And this is when I started to really fall into fear. And then I remember one night, I woke up with this feeling of somebody standing over me. And out of nowhere I could feel like the springs like sprang up from my mattress and my remote flew off my bed. And I like I sat up and like nobody was there. But clearly something had happened. And that's when then that moment I was like I've had enough like this is not going on any longer. That's too far.
DeeAnne Riendeau:Your foot down? Yes. So what are the things that you did to put your foot down? Because I know that for a lot of us this is this is why a lot of mediums don't allow their gifts to come to the surface or a lot of clairvoyants people to come to the surface because they are afraid because they've had an experience like that. And they're like, I don't want to go there. Forget that. So what are some of the things that you do? Or did in that experience that help you to create the safety or the boundary there?
Amber Courtney:Yeah, so back then it you know, I didn't know anything about energy tools. I didn't know anything about anything, I just knew that they feed off fear. And so I basically I stood my ground, and I said, you're not allowed here anymore, and you don't hold any power on me. And anytime something would try and happen, I basically just brush it off and just like laugh at it. And just give it none of my power because I realized that it was feeding off of the what I was giving it, which was that fear. So pulling back that power and just giving it nothing. It went away, it stopped. And that was that was all I had to do at that time, obviously now I do different things. But that's profound in itself. It worked.
DeeAnne Riendeau:I agree. I agree there is that that is profound itself. You know, as you're telling me the story, it reminds me of one of my own experiences as well. I didn't know that I had bought a house or bought a condo in a building that was on the haunted house tour at Halloween. So I found this beautiful condo it had been renovated. And it was the basement of one of these like century old buildings. And I loved the space, you know, bought the condo. And there was two bedrooms and one of the bedrooms. I struggled to go in I don't know, it just gave me the heebie jeebies. And again at that time, I wasn't where I was today, either. I didn't have the understanding. But what started to happen is I started to have really lucid nightmares there. And I had lucid nightmares as a kid. So it wasn't new for me. But one in particular, I remember, it was an incredible battle. And it was on the top of a mountain and I was fighting a witch and a bad witch. Okay, because I've referenced witches all the time. And I don't see them as bad but she was bad. And she was evil and dark and negative. And I was fighting with all my mind. I remember like just fighting in this dream. And oftentimes in my dreams, I would say the Lord's Prayer. And so I'd start saying the Our Father and usually that would conquer all and everything would be fine. But in this particular dream, I actually woke myself out of my dream state. And I was dripping with sweat and my room was ice cold. Like I never felt my end. It was the middle of summer, and my room was cold as ice. And so I knew that there was something going on inside that building like I was picking it up intuitively and feeling like you know the hairs on the back of my neck and stuff like that. And then so of course things started happening for me too, like cupboard doors would swing open and stuff would come from Buying out, you know, random, like dishes that, you know, weren't stacked or anything. And so I call on my mom. I said, Mom, can you come and bless my house. So she came with holy water and her rosary. And she came, and her friend and her cleared my house. But I still didn't feel safe in that place. Guess what, I ended up selling it within six months. Because it didn't it just no matter what I did, so I wanted to share that with everybody because I find these these stories, so intriguing. So needless to say, you know, over time you develop some other tools. So if somebody wants to lean in to these gifts, because, you know, like me, there's many star seeds, and many crystal children out there that are empaths that feel energy that know so much more than than what we can even understand in our humaneness. What can we do to embrace that? Like, what are the things we can do to to walk the path aside from pushing fear away? Or for not letting ourselves mean into fear too much? What are some of the things that we can be doing that help us along that path?
Amber Courtney:Yeah, I feel like one of the biggest things that I've come to learn is mastering our own energy. And however one wants to do that, whether you want to start working with energy, maybe you take Reiki just for your own self just to have, whether that's learning about other energy work, whether it's learning about how to protect your own energy. I just feel like, you know, as we're all very sensitive, people, like even even, you know, the non crystals and Indigos and stuff, like everybody should be able to feel their own energy. And we've gotten so far away from that. And yeah, mastering your own energy, really just, it's to me, it should be number, it should be number one at the time. That's how I feel.
DeeAnne Riendeau:I love that. No, I'm a firm believer in that too. And honestly, I wouldn't be doing the work I do. If I didn't have a if I wasn't a master of my own energy, it's like it's almost like a prerequisite, right. And you mentioned Reiki is one way to learn about energy, master your energy. And I oftentimes teach a very simple tool, that in which we actually bring in our energy field, because you know, a lot of empaths. And a lot of healers want to stretch their energy field out really big, but then they're vulnerable for everyone dumping their garbage in there. So the first step is bringing your energy field and I like to hug myself a little bit, like one to two feet around me is what I'm envisioning this egg shaped kind of dome around me. And then I set intention. And my intention is I only allow Energy serving me at my highest good into my sacred space. And it's simple, it's to the point, and it's firm, like I'm firm about it. Like, I know that when I set that intention that I am getting exactly what I need all the time. And I don't need to let all this extra heavy stuff, kind of get in the mix. And that's been a real helpful tool for me, too. So yeah, I agree, master your energy. Okay, so say, I have this ability of tuning in. Maybe I'm seeing spirits or something like that. What are what's your recommendation? If I want to start leaning into that? What are some of the things that I need to know?
Amber Courtney:Yeah, I would say number one, for sure. Learn how to protect your energy, claim your space. And then after that, you know, I guess it really just depends on each individual. But for me, it was all about opening that third eye backup, because most of us do have that third eye super close. And yeah, practicing that space of authority and knowing that you have a body and these beings don't. And a lot of the times, you know they're going to come in, and they're going to try and scare you. But that's just because like, they're they don't have that body, right. And they don't want you to like find your gifts. And so knowing that you have those gifts is so profound, and there's nothing to be afraid of. And I often hear people say, but like, you know, I've heard this saying lots where they're like, you know, I'm really scared to open up to my guests, because I don't want to open up to the bad spirits. And my joke is always that you're already open to them. Because you are a master of your own gifts. Right now your gifts are just running wild. And so they're able to just come in and do all these things. And so when we came that control on the gifts, it helps it so that way, they can't just keep coming in all the time. You just certainement levels go up and yeah, you just it's the practice, you get better at it.
DeeAnne Riendeau:I love that you just said that. And that you joke about that, that like you're already vulnerable to those dark energies. It's not like you're not holding yourself up more to them. In fact, what we're going to open ourselves up to are the divine spirits or the energies of God of creator that can help us and serve us the most. So I love that that you know, you recognize that, you know there's always going to be heavier, denser energies people, okay. And I agree with Amber, that they absolutely want to keep us from expansion, keep us from ascension, keep us from whatever you want to call that, that evolution. Because the more controllable we are, the better it is for them because they have power. But the thing is that those darker, denser energies, they've actually lost power, which is why they feel the need to have power over others, when you have a great sense of personal power, you have no need or desire to have power over other people is not so powerful in itself. And so, you know, one of the things that you, you know, that you alluded to is that this does take practice. And it is it is a practice, you know, I call it all the time. And when people ask me what I do, I said, I say, I have a spiritual practice, you know, they think, Oh, you meditate every day, like, No, I have a practice where I do do those things. But it's so much more than that, because it is a practice, you know, you think of a doctor's office, they've got a physician's practice, right, because we are practicing our craft. And I think that a lot of people get caught up in like, abracadabra, it needs to happen now. So yes, you know, for some people, it might happen, like some people get a catalyst, right, and then all of a sudden, they're on this rocket ship. And they're like, Oh, my God, my mind's exploding. But for most of us, it is a slower process. And it can take years and decades to really uncover all of this. So do you have any suggestions for people who are, you know, maybe they've already leaned in, but they're feeling a little frustrated? Because they're not feeling like they're getting it? Do you have any words of wisdom around like that frustration piece? Like, did you go through any of that?
Amber Courtney:Hmm, yeah. And that's the key word right there frustration, like frustration is a lower vibrational feeling, right? And so when we get ourselves into those lower vibrations, of frustration, or irritation, or oh, you know, like, why isn't this happening? You actually blocking yourself for, and I was infamous for this, like, I took a year long soccer training course, because I needed help. And my teacher would always tell me, Amber, you can't sit in that vibration, you are blocking yourself, he's like, just relax, it takes time, it is a craft, it's a practice you to reopen that third. I mean, goodness, there's so much going on in there that has blocked it, it's a lot. And the more you work at it, and the more you clear things, the more you practice, the more you you know, just keep going forward, it will get there. It's like going to the gym, right? You can't just go to the gym once and see, you know, the results you want. And the same goes with your pineal gland, that third eye, all your other psychic senses. It's I mean, most of us are very clear, sentient, which is that clear feeling we feel people's feelings and emotions, most of us are already doing that without even realizing it. But you know, everybody wants that clairvoyant. So everybody wants to know, the clear audience. And those take a little bit more time. And so it's like, like I said, it's like going to the gym. Just keep doing it, keep practicing and keep exercising, you'll expand it.
DeeAnne Riendeau:I love that. And I think that's gonna bring some relief for people. And you know, you talked about third eye a few times. And just to remind our audience, just in case, you know, that third eye is typically found between the eyebrow middle of the head kind of area, but it is that clairvoyant kind of window, if you will, right. And so we often will reference that third eye as that all seeing eye. And so some people even call it God's I have heard that reference before. But you know, it is something that over hundreds 1000s of years, we've been conditioned to turn that off. Right? And so reminding everyone listening, that you're undoing 1000s of years of conditioning that has said, you don't have the inner technology, you're not telepathic. You're not psychic, you're not this, you're not that. And so we've started, you know, part of our DNA said, oh, yeah, I believe that I can't do those things. But the truth is that we are shifting so much right now that people are starting to realize, hey, wait a second, maybe I am capable of that. Maybe I do have that ability. And so this is a piece of encouragement for the audience that you know, this is something that if you feel called to lean into if spirit is calling you that this is an invitation, an opportunity of discovery and exploration that's for sure. So Amber our time is going by real fast here I feel like I'm I feel like we're just getting started to be honest. Yeah, but I know that you know, I want to keep these you know, between their 20 and 30 minute mark so that people can get these bite sized pieces but I Any final words like, I'm going to invite you to share your offering with people in a moment. But anything that you feel is really important for people to hear that are on the journey that are starting to listen to spirit, is there anything that you really think that they should know?
Amber Courtney:I think just tying in to what we were just saying is just don't give up. Don't give into fear of any sorts don't get into limiting beliefs. You can do it. We all are intuitive. We all have the ability. You know, it's, it's, yeah, it's it's work, but it's the best, most rewarding work of your life. And when you answer that call, and you step into what you're supposed to be doing what you knew, intuitively, we're always supposed to be doing. It's like the biggest weight has been lifted off your shoulders, and you can breathe, you can start living, you're not just surviving anymore, you're living your life. And you're expanding and growing and remembering all these beautiful aspects of why you came here and what it means to be human. So yeah,
DeeAnne Riendeau:Oh, I love that. I love it, I could feel the passion that and it just excited me so much. Because it's so true. We all have these incredible gifts, we've just forgotten. And so this remembering process is a powerful one. And, Amber, I'm so grateful that you started down this path that you chose to go inward and do this work, because it is so rewarding. And you know, I really believe that, you know, our souls had been dying a slow death prior to do you know what I mean? And this isn't to create fear for our audience. But it's to remind you that if you are not tuning in, if you're not listening, that the soul and the spirit start to say, I don't know if I love this so much anymore, you know, and we start to lose ourselves a little bit. So this is an invitation to come back to Spirit come back to yourself. And Amber, you've got some groups out there. And I know you put out some great content. If people want to catch up with Amber, Amber, where do they go?
Amber Courtney:Yeah, so I have a free group and I have a paid group. The difference is in the free group, we are a community of individuals working through our spiritual journeys, our ascension process and supporting one another sharing information content, all those sorts of things. That group is called the New Earth Ascension Portal on Facebook. And then I have my PE group as well, which is really focused towards those individuals that are looking to amplify grow, expand, heal, because we have two meetings a month where I meet with the group I look and to all of you I heal different apps, I help you heal different aspects that you're trying to run activations, codes, downloads, really cool experiences to just help you through whatever the universal energies that are going on that month, I usually tap into what the universe is like, hey, the collective needs this. And I help them through that. And then we also are community as well. And we have lots of different resources of learning content I have included with that pay group, something called the New Earth Ascension Academy. In that Academy, it's packed full of information and teachings towards energy healing tools, and everything from how to ground everything from how to protect yourself everything from Why do you journal and tension work? Like there's just so much in there? And I'm continuing to add to it. So that one is really for those that are ready to expand.
DeeAnne Riendeau:Great. And there's that one on Facebook too, or is that through your website?
Amber Courtney:Yes, sorry. That one is also through Facebook. It's called the New Earth Ascension Accelerator. Yes. And yeah, the Yeah, not my website. But you can find it on my website as well, actually.
DeeAnne Riendeau:That's good. That's good to know, on your website, we're going to put that in the show notes, everybody. So those links will be in the show notes for you. So you will see them there in the notes. Amber, this has been so wonderful. I've loved having you love having the star seed energy come to the surface, we might have to have another conversation about the star seeds because I think there's a lot of star seed people trying to find your way. So we might just have to have a part two if you're open to that.
Amber Courtney:Oh, yeah, anything starseed let's do it.
DeeAnne Riendeau:fun. Okay, we're gonna do star seed. And we'll do another recording for star seed another time. So thank you so much for being here. And thank you for having me. All of you, listeners. Thank you so much for tuning in. I hope that you've learned something new today. Can't wait to be with you again next time on When Spirit Calls. Bye for now.
Amber Courtney:Bye.
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