A mentor of mine joins us to talk about her journey and her divine wisdom about being your true whole self! Experiencing the loss of her mom to pancreatic cancer, it shifted her trajectory and gave her a whole new perspective on life. Glenda shares her advice about how we move through energy and deepen our understanding and compassion for others as well as dialing into what you desire! Bonus-I share how Glenda activated light language for me and we even share some light language for you too!

About the Guest:

Glenda teaches high-achieving women who feel confined and exhausted by trying to do it all, that there is another way with more fulfillment, ease, and spaciousness that doesn’t cost their health and well being.

She has combined 32 years as a physical therapist and 11 years as an intuitive soul guide, merging science and spirituality to help women tap into their innate body wisdom, remember who they really are and make choices that are aligned with their true nature.

This assists women to finally truly relax into being the truth of who they are and

embody the codes of flourishing.


3 Secrets for Flourishing


About the Host:

DeeAnne Riendeau is a thought leader in spiritual and business development who’s mission is to elevate how we think and live. Experiencing a life of chronic illness, and 2 near death experiences, DeeAnne rebounded with 20 years of health education and a diverse health career.

She is known as the modern day Willy Wonka for giving away her company Your Holistic Earth, which is the first holistic health care system of its kind. She is currently the owner of Rose Hope International, in which she helps those who are seeking more joy, love, freedom, and a deeper meaning in life using your souls library also known as the Akashic Records.

She has spoken at Harvard University, appeared on Shaw TV, Global Television, and CTV and has been recognized as a visionary and business leader having been nominated for numerous awards including Alberta Business of Distinction. Along with being an entrepreneur, DeeAnne is a mom of 2 bright kids, publisher, popular speaker and international bestselling author who uses her heart and her head to guide others to create their best life.





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WSC Intro/Outro:

This is When Spirit Calls and you on your journey are in the right place. This show is about magic miracles and meaning shared through stories, interviews and channeled messages. We have so much to share about who you are and your divine mission here on the earth. Let's get to it When Spirit Calls is right now.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Our guest today is the lovely Glenda Lane. Glenda teaches high achieving women who feel confined and exhausted by trying to do it all that there is another way with more fulfillment, ease and spaciousness that doesn't cost their health and well being. She has combined 32 years as a physical therapist and 11 years as an intuitive soul guide. Merging science and spirituality to help women tap into their innate body wisdom, remember who they really are and make choices that are aligned with their true nature. Glenda assists women to finally truly relax into being the truth of who they are, and embody the codes of flourishing. I'm so excited to hear from our guest. Glenda today.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Hurray, we are back again on When Spirit Calls and I am really excited about our guest today. I mean, you guys know me. I'm always excited about our guests. But this woman here today, Glenda Lane, she is the one that actually opened a channel I didn't know existed. And years and years ago, pre COVID time, this woman came into my circle onto my radar. And I felt immediately drawn to her. And as that unfolded, she was having these like sacred circles with these women. And we would go to her house. And so I started going. And she one day, she said, Okay, I'm going to light language is coming through, and she started talking this gibberish. And I remember at first being like, What the hell is this? I don't know if you remember us having conversation after that. And being like, well, it felt weird, but it felt really good. But, you know, you opened up this channel of light language. And as you as I got through my own ego, saying this was really weird. All of a sudden, it's like, my body just received it. And it understood it. And it felt it. And it was so powerful. I'm actually getting goosebumps just talking about men that that memory. And you know, and then I went back again to another sacred circle. And then, you know, you're doing light language again, in the second time, I was like, oh, yeah, I remember this. I know what this is. And it was like this muscle memory that happened for me. And then after that, guess what? I started getting called to speak light language. And although my light language is different, quite different from yours, what it did is it like you stepping into that truth gave me permission to do it. So anyway, folks, can you help me welcome blender. Hi. And Hi, Dan. Good to be with you. I'm so happy you're here. And I went on a little bit of a tangent there. But it was such a powerful thing for me. Because if you could have the courage to do it, then it was almost like, okay, I can maybe lean into what this is. Because I've always felt compelled to sing and to, you know, express in all these ways. And as a kid, I spoke light language all the time, I just didn't even know I was doing it. And so I had shut it down for so long. And what a gift that was for me. So that's why I just wanted to start with that. So the audience understands, you know, the power in us having the courage to lean in, even if at first it feels a bit uncomfortable or weird. What that does is creates this beautiful ripple effect. So thank you for that. Let's start with

Glenda Lane:

Well, thank you. Thank you for saying that. And thank you for being part of my circles and coming into my world. I mean, it. Yeah, it was it was just such a fascinating time for me and being able to share that with people. And but I just knew, like, I knew that it was for me to do, and I didn't know exactly why, you know, that, like, Oh, you're going to activate people and they're going to start speaking Lightline you know, I didn't have that awareness. But what I knew was like, this is to be shared. This is not just for me, and is to be shared. And whatever. However people receive it, is how they receive it. And I just kind of completely let go of what people would think, you know,

DeeAnne Riendeau:

I love that you did that because it was such a gift for myself and I think many others who have probably been activated from you since you know, I'm just hearing the call. I'm here. I'm listening in and they're saying you guys are going to do some light language. So I think at the end of today, after we're done chatting I think we should treat our audiences in light language. Does that sound good? Yeah,

Glenda Lane:

absolutely. Yeah, I'm getting the chills as you say that. So, yes.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Okay, so we know, we're, we know we're on track. Well, Glenda, without us, you know, getting too far down that Lightline rabbit hole, I want to, I want to give the audience a chance to actually know who you are. So why don't you start us off and just letting us know, how did you get to this point, you know, of being this beautiful guide and this coach for people to really find the freedom within themselves? You know, what was that journey? Like? You know, obviously, spirit called you at some point. So I would just love for you to share this.

Glenda Lane:

Yeah, thank you. Yeah, it's been it's a journey. It really is. It's been, you know, I'm not one of these people who felt very much in touch with spirit as a young one. I mean, obviously, I was, but do you know what I mean? Like, that wasn't like, Okay. I did speak the gibberish too, but didn't know what it was. And also, like, it just never even occurred to me, I didn't grow up in a very sort of spiritual religious family at all. And so yeah, it's been a huge shift for me to be where I'm at now, and I'm just so grateful for it. But I think the thing that really activated my, let's say, my spiritual journey was, gosh, about 20 years ago, now. My mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. And it was, and it was terminal. So you know, I got the phone call, my parents live in Ontario. And it was like a bomb went off in my life, I had never really experienced anything. Like trauma with a capital T, let's put it that way. You know, I there's nothing that I had really experienced up until that point. And I went home to Ontario and looked after her for her kind of last three months on this earth plane. And, and it was after she transitioned, that I really just went into this place, like kinda took a step back, because I felt like something was missing. deat like, I didn't know what it was. I just was like, everything looks good on paper, right? I had an amazing physical therapy career. You know, I was traveling with Canadian teams abroad, right to Turkey and Beijing and working with our Canadian athletes there. You know, so from a career perspective, everything was great. I had bought my own house. And, and I had great friends and like, just everything was kind of tickety boo, right? And then this experience for me really just made me again, take a step back and go. So why do I feel this way? Like, why do I and I didn't know either wasn't even really in touch with how I felt at the time, right? Because it was actually very disconnected from my body. I was like, I had walking around on a stick. Yeah, very, you know, very bright, straight A student all the way through, right through university. All the things are Yeah, fever. Yeah, very much a serial achiever, and, and so use my mind a ton, right? Well for everything. And, and also, during, up until that point, what had showed up in my body was some chronic neck and back pain. I had hormonal imbalances. I had digestive issues. I think, at that point, trying to remember, no, at that point, I hadn't had any melanomas yet, but they were to come. Right. So my body had started speaking to me up until then, but I was so like, like, what?

DeeAnne Riendeau:

What I think you're like, you were like, most people are, you know, we go we get the job. We start the family, we do all the things. I mean, I was there too. But there was such a disconnect for me too. And I couldn't figure out like, why am I not feeling happy when I have all the things that everyone told me would make me happy?

Glenda Lane:

Yeah. And for me, especially like all the achievements, right, and so I it's such a funny story. And we when I came back to Edmonton there, there's this little magazine, I think it's called is it Metro? Metro City, the one that has all sorts of programs that you can take all different courses. Yeah, right, that had come in my mailbox, and I was flipping through it. And there was this advertisement for like a half day workshop. And what caught my eye about it was learn how to bend spoons with energy. I was like, like what? And you know, I really hadn't had a lot of really an exposure to the world of energy other than learning. I had done some training in traditional Chinese medical acupuncture through my physical therapy. So you know that and that was like a whole new world for For me to write it was just like your western medicine hat off and right. And yeah, and so I was like, this is cool. So I went to this workshop. And the woman who was teaching, it was a psychic intuitive. She had just moved up from Calgary. And when she was in Calgary, she had been helping the police and finding missing children. And that was kind of one of the things that she was doing. And anyway, long story short, I ended up training with her for two years, I took her courses and programs learned how to read energy. And I think, too, there was a part of me why No, there was a part of me that just wanted to be able to be in connection with my mom still, you know, I really believed that when we die, we're not just done like, you know, that our spirit lives on and, and so that I think it was that and also is doing for very personal reasons. Like it was just doing it for me and my journey. And yeah, so learn to do all sorts of readings on people and even etheric readings, right people who passed on, and realize that I actually had quite an ability that I didn't know, I'm never intended to do this work ever. Like it was still there in physio, all the things, but that really opened me up, I then started to understand like, wow, you know, just what I can do. And it led to, I'm just going to make a brief here, but I've done three year long energy schools, Mystery Schools, very energy focused learning to read energy move energy, like all the things go direct with consciousness. And, and then I and one of the programs that actually the first year long one that I took, it was called in waken coaching. So it was a coaching program, how to become an energy coach. And I recognized during that program, like, I want to do this, like mine, this is really exciting for me, like, I love this. And, and so I started to do that very part time when I first started working. In my business, I was eight months pregnant with my second child, and I had an almost two year old. And so I started very part time, obviously had a newborn or what have you. But that was kind of the beginning for me. And I, I was like, Yeah, this is, this is what's floating my boat, right. And the physio world for me was starting to take a bit of a backseat at that time, I kind of lost a bit of the passion for it. And I think part of it was my training up until that point had really been about treating the physical body, right, people come in with an injury, not that we would isolate treatment to like one body part or YCC the body as a whole. But I just knew there was more to it than that. I knew there was because I'd learned that there's an energetic route to every physical manifestation in the body. And so there was some frustration for me around that, because I was like, I know that we can go much deeper and just wasn't in an environment at that time to be able to do that. So that's what kind of started started my work. And I've been doing it for 11 years. And, and of course, that's morphed and changed. And like all the things that you said, started speaking light language about five years ago. Now I want to say something like that. And so lots has evolved, obviously, as I have, and yeah, and now it's just my passion to, to work with women really, really, it's a self remembrance journey. You know, it's really like, Okay, who am I, without all the conditioning without all the programming and just remembering the essence of who we are, and then not only remembering that, but then living it, that's the embodiment part. And so, that's what like, lights me up. And then I've also gone back to physio, so I've been in and out of this profession, it's like, I'm like a yo, yo, right? People like, what are you working at? Like when I thought you weren't, you know, but I got called, called back in November was like, Yeah, Glenda it's time for you to go back into the profession and do it differently. And to in to bring this whole being approach mind body spirit, emotions, you know, energetics into what you're doing. And so yeah, so do that a couple of days a week at Thrive therapy clinic here in Edmonton. And then the other days I'm doing doing my coaching, so I get to play with people in just different ways. And it's just another avenue that I get to, you know, be the gift that I am and express that to the world, right. So

DeeAnne Riendeau:

I love this so much. You know, you know, you mentioned briefly you know, your mom's terminal cancer and you know how that hit you. Would you say that losing her though, was a catalyst for you to really be like What am I doing over here? Like, am I really happy? Like was that kind of part of that? Yeah.

Glenda Lane:

100% I mean, it really was the turning point for me. And what I realized Deanne was, you know, at the time I believed, I don't believe it anymore because I know she's really with me is that I had lost my my biggest cheerleader. Right? biggest supporter, my biggest cheerleader. Our relationship was very close. So I had an amazing mom. And I realized I was like, Okay, it's time for me to become my biggest cheerleader.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Yes. Oh, I just got goosebumps. Yeah, and, and so like, what a gift your mom gave you in? is an absolute thing. Like I met her at the time, you weren't thinking her death was any thing close to a gift, of course. And for those of you experiencing grief, it certainly might not feel that way. But now, you know, I can see that you look back at that. And you say, Oh, thank God that happened for me. You know, yeah, it allows you to step in, like you said, to be your own cheerleader. You know, when you're an overachiever, oftentimes, we get caught up in that meeting, that affirmation and the accolades and the recognition, right. And really what this did for us, it brought you into this space of recognizing, like, oh, I have everything right here. And I can celebrate that within myself. And I can help myself along the way. I just think that's like, it's so powerful. And I just covered and chills about that. Yeah,

Glenda Lane:

It's huge. It's, I've recognized and this is even just recently, I mean, I knew this about loving myself, but just, I think in the last couple of months, I really got this message of, I get to now love myself, the way that my mum loved me. So it's like this unconditional love that I can not only give to myself, but I can, I had didn't really realize this, but I had this kind of belief that I could only get it from her. And that she was gone that I Right. And it really affected my receiving it was fascinating. I was blocking receiving from others, because I had this like subconscious belief that oh, well, she's not here, therefore, like, but I know that I can now let all of life in and not have any blocks around that.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

So I think that's so beautiful. And I think it's a testament to your own evolution in what you've been able to do to really take those life experiences and recognize that there's so much more beneath them, you know, beneath our original perception of it. I also love I love that you were actually reading a newspaper, you know, because I'm sure people listening are like, do they have those still? Do they exist? But you're reading the the metro, right and getting, like just having a checkout? And How brilliant is it that that particular ad called out to you and the path that it led you on? You know, and you think well, okay, what are the chances that I would have been looking at that time on that page, you know, and that caught my eye. And I think that just a reminder that spirits always working on behalf of us. You know, sometimes we miss it, because we're so busy, or we're so whatever we're doing, we're caught up in the moment. But spirits are always talking to us. I love that it brought you in so that you could do the work that you're doing. So let me ask you, oh, yeah, God,

Glenda Lane:

I was just gonna say, you know, it can appear to be so random. And it's so not right. Like, it's just like, oh, wow, that was really random. And if this didn't happen, then this journey wouldn't have, like, No, I would have still gone on the journey just would have been a different avenue. It just happened to be this right. So yeah, so it's like, yeah, everything's for you. 100. Yeah,

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Yeah, I love that. I love that. That belief system, at least it really works for me. So you've been on this, like incredible journey, and you've really dug into yourself and into your healing. I wonder, you know, what does? What does freedom look like to you? Because, you know, this is one of the things you really focus on with the work that you do is helping people find freedom within themselves. And so what does that what does that mean to you? Because I just, I think it means something different to you know, different people. So, can you just help us to give us some foundation of that for yourself?

Glenda Lane:

Yeah. And this and this may not, you know, a lot of people may not agree with me on this. But the The truth is, we are free we always been free right from the get go. It's the belief that we're not free and or the feeling of not, right that confinement in some way or that stifling in some way. And so for me, freedom is really about being free to be able to choose from our truth to choose from our heart and soul versus choosing From fears or, you know, limiting beliefs patterns, like all the things, right, all the Yeah, all the things. So freedom for me is, is to be free in that place of like just knowing, like your own knowing and not needing it to be validated or agreed with or any of it. But just like, That's freedom. It's like, Yeah, this is for me, and I know it. And I don't need to convince anyone. And this is my path. And this is like my choice. So it's really freedom of conscious choice. We're always choosing, right, so we're always choosing, but so much of it is unconscious. And so it really is this, like, choosing from a place of truth. I love that.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

I absolutely love that description, because I do think we all kind of have our own levels of truth within ourselves, right. And I recently had an experience with somebody who had a perception of me and how I showed up, I was really proud of how I showed up in the experience, but their perception was like so far from that. And, and it really hurt me that they believed the things that they believed about me, and it hurt my heart deeply. But I also recognize that I showed up with so much integrity and so much love, if they weren't in a position to receive that, or had their own traumas or beliefs around it. And so they're using me as the blame, right, they're blaming me for whatever they experienced in their life, really come to this place of freedom, but it's taking me some time to do that. It's Oh, and I think this is part of the work that you do, where you really help people so that we're not being held hostage in being worried about what other people think. And you know, keeping up with the Joneses, and, you know, whatever that achievement needs to be right. And I think that's really powerful. Because I think so many people are so caught up in that false world. It's a false world. Right? I can't remember who said it, but they said, The only jail is in your mind. Yeah, that's true. And so we get to choose, we have the power of freewill. That's the beautiful part of being human. Right. So we have that power to choose how we respond to the world around us. Right? That ultimately, to me, that's like that power position, right? And it's that personal power over yourself. Because once we have the personal power over self, we don't necessarily have a desire to have power over other people, right? Which is now a whole dynamic as well, whether or not they power over what they think right about us or power over what they're doing in their actions. Right. We don't need that because we have such conviction and understanding of our own beingness.

Glenda Lane:

Yes, yeah, it really is that and the more that I have come to understand and know my true self underneath the limiting beliefs and the conditioning and the patterning, the more that I can see that in other people, and when and where they're coming from. So that is really helpful. In if someone says something to me, that's really hurtful. For me to go, wow, okay. This is actually not about me, this is about what's going on for them. And all they know how to do is project it or judge because that's a safety thing. It's a way of trying to protect themselves, and haven't been taught right how to be with what they're feeling or even become aware. Let's let's rights everyone is at a different different stage of awareness. Right? Yeah. So for me, it's like, okay, I can now see where people are coming from and you know, hurt people hurt people. So if someone is attempting to hurt me, I know there's something going on. Yeah. Right. And it can take me to a place of compassion. Yeah, instead of me going into protection mode. Right?

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Well, because that's oftentimes what we do, right? You know, when this person attacked me, I could have gone back easily and been like, well, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, I could have stuck it to them. But instead, I chose grace. And I chose love. And so I just responded with love, you know, you know, expressing that I'm sorry, that they felt that way and that it's okay. And, you know, it's, you know, let's just carry on, you know, as much as I wanted to fix their thinking, that's not my responsibility, right. As much as I wanted to prove them wrong, that their opinions were wrong. It's not my responsibility. And and so, you know, I love that this is work that you do, because I again, I feel like so many people are caught in that. And then it robs us of our presence. It robs us of so much happening here and now because they're busy thinking about that thing or doing over that thing and I think our role is to increase that vibration so that we're not sinking the ship that we're contributing to showing people that there is a better way. So that brings me to another question. Because when you show up with such compassion and forgiveness, I'm, for me, this has happened where I've been very loving and forgiving, and people responding with, well, you can't possibly forgive this person, like, there's something wrong with you because you're forgiving this person, or, you know, or they think I'm doing it with a manipulation or ego in mind when it actually is the opposite of that. Does that happen to you? And what do you do about that when that happens? Because I find when I have such a positive outlook, I sometimes get perceived that, you know, I'm, you know, it may be it may be it is inauthentic to some people, but that's genuinely me. I'm genuinely a forgiving person. I'm genuinely a compassionate, loving person. That's how I operate. I don't know how else to operate. So when other people see that, they don't understand how I could be that. Right. And so I yeah, I just would like to touch on that.

Glenda Lane:

Yeah, I, you know, it's funny, I don't come across that very often. Yeah, I must say, and I think a lot of it is because, again, I'm just in this place of, and don't get me wrong, it's not like I never get triggered, or I never get hurt. Okay, so I'm not saying that I'm not like some saint that, you know, doesn't feel these things. But I think that, and I can have my reaction, but I don't tend to be in it for very long, you know, because it can keep coming back to, well, what's the truth here? You know, what do I know to be true? And at the end of the day, there's going to be people that don't like me, that disagree with me. And, and that's okay. Like, I you know what I mean that, and then there's gonna be people who love me, and who have the same perspective as me. And so it's about me letting go of everyone kind of getting me. And that's the other thing. I've stopped trying to get people to understand me. I just like, because at the end of the day, no one can fully get me other than me. No one is in my body have lived this life and my prior lives, like all the things right. So it's not about that. And I think I shift my focus more towards actually, I'm really curious about people, I want to understand you like, what is going on over there that would have you behave in this way? You know,

DeeAnne Riendeau:

I love that? Yeah. I love that, that that invitation happens? And that's what I've been doing with that, you know, I don't it doesn't upset me as much as it used to be No, now I kind of see it as Oh, okay. You know, I wonder what's happening for them behind the scenes that's inviting that, and I always welcome it as a mirror. And I'm sure that, you know, sounds like that's what you do as well. Yeah. So let's, you know, I want to kind of dive into what are the steps that someone would need to go through, you know, I tried to bring up things that I think other people would relate to. So what would the steps be, you know, if I want to get rid of, you know, hanging on to what people think, or if I'm struggling with, you know, people perceiving me in a certain way, you know, what are the steps now that a person would take to help them to move forward so that they're not getting caught up in in that energy? What What would we what would that look like?

Glenda Lane:

I think, you know, the first step in any, if we call it a transformation, is awareness. And so it really is about, you know, when I do this, whether I'm working one on one with or I'm working with people in my programs, it's awareness of like, where are we at now? You know, so it's like, how do I try to protect myself? How would How do I behave? And you know, there's certain questions that I that I prompt my clients with, to really sort of, just get curious about, okay, what are the ways that I'm behaving that are not my true self, right? Because protective patterning is not and they're just behaviors, they're just habits, they are not who you are, and yet we tend to identify with them. So for instance, people pleasing is a protective pattern, and we'll call ourselves will say I am a people pleaser, I'm like, No, you're not right, you're you and you have the habit or the pattern of people pleasing behavior. It's a habit that you took on as a child, to try to protect yourself and stay safe and loved. That's it, right? And so it's really understanding how we're behaving as our not true selves, that can then give us clarity about lead to clarity about who am I right and the gift that I am and what do I because each of us are individuation of source. You know, we're here to play and create and express the gift that we We are and get curious about, okay, who's the gift that I am? What do I bring to the table? I'm not, we're not here randomly, like God universe source, I call it Gus, Gus put us here for a reason we are here at this time in humanity for a reason. And so it's like, what are you here for? You know, and certainly the people that end up in my world, just because I'll just tell you, my mission, for me personally, is to help create a world where love always wins. Yeah. And so that, I mean, it's a very, very overarching thing. But that begins with me, being love, the love that I am. And so the people that tend to come into my world are also here to do that. Right. So it really is this shift from all the patterning, you know, the protective stuff, the root energy is fear. And so it's this shift from fear to love. And so if we can understand how we're operating out of fear, and, and then how do we operate out of love instead, that's our choice, which it is, then, right? So becoming clear around that, first of all, is the awareness piece, and I take people really deep, I take them through their entire life, actually, to kind of come to this place of okay. Because I can see what has contributed to them where they're at now, right, as a result of all the things they've experienced, and also what has shown up in their bodies, those two things together. And so it's like, Okay, here's where I'm at. Now, what do I want? Like, what do I actually desire is desire, right? Like, what am I? Because the thing, there's this idea, and it's an old paradigm of, I've got to fix what's wrong to I gotta fix my patterns. I got to get rid of all my limiting beliefs. I've got to write all the all the fixing. Yuck is overwhelming. Right? Overwhelming. Also heavy, and, and really slow. Yeah. And if you're constantly looking for what's wrong, you're always going to find what's wrong. And what needs fixing, which it doesn't, you're whole and complete. You don't need fix, and you just have some patterns. Yeah. And so it's becoming aware of what it is because that's really important. But we're not going to focus on like fixing this, we're going to put our focus on what do you desire? Like, where do you what do you want to experience in your life? Right? And let's put our focus and attention on that. And let's start taking steps towards that. And whatever can't come with you on this journey is going to come up to leave. Yeah, it's gonna present and we can alchemize it at that point. Yeah, but we're not gonna go okay, we got to fix this. And then to fix this, and then

DeeAnne Riendeau:

you're like, a fixer mode? Always. Yeah.

Glenda Lane:

And I've done it. Right. So I've done that done the excavation, the analyzing the wall, like yet, right. So actually think I don't know if I was officially depressed. But I certainly felt really down because I was not bringing me joy. Right. Yes.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

And I love that. Because, you know, I think that we tend to associate doing this work with suffering. Yes. And I don't think it has to be, you know, suffering might be a catalyst. But like you said earlier, you don't sit and wallow for too long. Because you know that if you stay in that cesspool, well, eventually you become the cesspool, you know. Yeah. And so

Glenda Lane:

yeah, go ahead.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Yeah, I was just gonna say and so it brings you into that pain place of okay, well, what do I want? If this isn't what I want? Then? What is that?

Glenda Lane:

Yeah, yeah. And the suffering is really, to me, it's a mental construct, because it's this, like, here's the thing, whatever you're putting your focus and attention on is going to create your reality. So if you're putting your focus and attention on the same thing all the time, you're gonna get the same reality. So if suffering is happening for you, and you're putting your attention on even if it's how do I get rid of this suffering proud? Fix this suffering, you're still giving your energy you're feeding the suffering and so nothing changes. Right? And so you feel stuck like something's got a I gotta go through a block? Like no, you just it's just shifting your focus and attention to what is it that you want instead? Because you know, as you know, wherever your attention goes, energy flows Yeah, so it's like what do I want not from an ego protection? Your space? Yeah, are really getting in connection like was your heart and soul desire? Like, what is that for you? And let's start and it doesn't have to be this big, huge thing it can be. I want to feel more at peace. Right? Right. I want to feel freer. I want my relationships to feel more connected. I want do you know what I mean? It doesn't have to be this big like honkin. It can be, but it doesn't have to be right. And so yeah, so it really is this shift from I just don't want fear running the show for me anymore. I don't want it holding the reins. I don't want fear stress overwhelmed suffering to be the thing. Yeah, for me, I'm saying no to that. Yeah. And that's like a conscious choice. And, and this instead, right like actually this whole uh you know if you call it awakening, I don't know whatever you want to call it ascension awakening, right? This whole journey is your choice about how you go because you're gonna go on the journey anyway. Right?

DeeAnne Riendeau:

It's like it's a process of evolution. So naturally go on the journey. Exactly.

Glenda Lane:

And you'll either go kicking and screaming, or put your feet up and go.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

On to the ride, no.

Glenda Lane:

All right, and let's ride the waves instead of getting crushed by the waves over and over. And for me, I use a lot of humor. I mean, it's just part of who I am. And it makes it is more fun. So yeah, so much more fun. Yeah. Is and so it's like, yeah, let's not, I think part of it too, is you can look at life as being really serious. And I did for a really long time. Or you can see it for the game that it is it is really it's a game. It's a grand experiment. Yes. Same. It's like, okay, and you know, we're supposed to be playing and creating and enjoying our lives. Right? So it's like, what do you want? What do you want to choose? If you're interested in the heavy? I'm not your person? Yeah. Yeah, you know, I was that person. And that's why I know now that I'm not because I'm like, No, that is no, not. And I've seen the difference. In since I've shifted that perspective, and even like the outcome, and my clients, you know, the results that they get. So, yeah, it does not have to be this inner work people like, Oh, it's so heavy and hard. And I mean, can it be emotional? 100%? I mean, you cannot move through fear without feeling it. Right, you have to feel your emotions. And that's what I spend a lot of time teaching my clients to do is, how do you be with them? How do you fully feel them? And how do we get to the gift on the other side, there's more freedom, there's more love, there's more truth available. And the emotions are just the doorway to to receiving that. Because the whole reason we're feeling that emotion in the first place is because we're believing the lie in our subconscious mind so that we're not aware of. So when we can get to that. And then you can see like, oh, actually, this isn't the truth. What is the truth instead? And then now let's live from that place. And that is what causes lasting transformation. It's not simply just feeling our emotions, although that's a big part for a lot of people. And as a starting point, let's go all the way through.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

That's exactly it. And I love that you share that so that we're still honoring and holding space for that feeling. But we're not going to go back and you know, try and undo what's already been done. Instead, we're gonna say, okay, anger, I see you and I feel you. And I know you're teaching me something, what is the thing that I need to know now that's how we alchemize right? And so we leverage we leverage that past experience or that energy or that emotion attached to it, that feeling right? And that's how you really move through it. So that's where we get to the desire piece, of course, which we you know, it's great to have that it's great to have, what does that vision look like for us? So, by the way, I have to go back because I love that you call it Gus God, or some source. I love that because I struggle because I use God often. But I know a lot of people use other words, but I love that you call it Gus, God universe source. And so this is so fantastic. I

Glenda Lane:

got that. I got that from one of my one from one of my mentors. And it's so fun every time I use it. Someone smiles, right. Right. It's just

DeeAnne Riendeau:

like not smile like Gus. It actually reminds me of, for some reason I get an image of Cinderella's mice. And I think there was Gus Gus. Yes, yes. And so I think of that little mouse Gus Gus, which is anyway, that's my correlation. Yeah. Yeah. You talked about getting to the gift on the other side. And I think that you're a testament to that. And I think that's where we find the freedom is being able to see those gifts on the other side. So and you know, your mom, your mom is a prime example of the gift on the other side, you know, your mom passing was a big catalyst for you in doing this work and really stepping into your power and filling the void that you had within you. So I just love that that it's come full circle. So I know we're getting To our time, but I did promise our listeners that we might do some light language. So any any final words like, you know, we'll wrap it up, and then we'll kind of finish with light language. So final words and how, what's the what do you got going on for us? You know, who want to connect with you? You know, are you still doing events and things like that? How can we find out about you? Glenda?

Glenda Lane:

Absolutely. I and I just want to talk just, I maybe the last thing I'd say about the gift that's on the other side, the gift ultimately, is you being free to fully express who you really are, that is the gift. All of this leads back to that, you know, of just being you and stead of who you believe you need to be, or that you had to be. Or having to prove your worth that was underneath my cereal achieving was believing. Okay, this is how I prove my worth instead of apparently worthy, right? Yeah, so the gift really, is for you to finally relax back into just being you. Like, without apology with like, it doesn't even cross your mind to apologize for that, you know what I mean? It's just like you are in your own knowing you're being the truth of who you are. Some people are gonna like it, some people are not doesn't matter, you're not here to be anyone else. You're also not here to necessarily fit in and especially me mean, it's really about belonging to yourself. But in terms of fitting in, you know, if you're here as a leader, often we're being pioneers. Right? And so it's not about fitting in with the rest of the group. It's about it's about being that pioneer, and that has really assisted me. You know, my mentor says, you know, you belong to the not belonging club. Right. And so it's true, it's like, I've stopped trying to fit it in. Yeah, right. And just and just be me. And it's not that I'm alone, because I got, you know, friends along the way. Yeah. So, you know, but I also am not trying to morph myself into being again, who I thought I should be, and that other people wanted me to be and to, because we're not here to do that like to just be us. So really, that's the Freedom is the freedom of the fullest expression of who you really are.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

I love that. I love that. And you're right about that belonging. You know, I think everyone craves that sense of belonging, but we belong to ourselves with the belong to the Divine to Gus, if you will.

Glenda Lane:

Yeah, we're all connected, right? Because we are all if we are all guests, which we are we're just individuation of guests. Yes, yes. And we are all connected. We can't not be right. We already belong. Yeah, exactly. So it really is just how you how you look at it. And, and yeah, in terms of what I have going on. So if you would love to, to kind of play with me. Further, I have a gift. It's called if you go to giftfromglenda.com. And it's the Three Secrets to Flourishing. And flourishing is basically what we've been talking about instead of being in survival mode in our protective patterns and have fear running the show. Flourishing is about love being the energy and truth, right, that is about being free to be yourself. So so you can go to that and and pick up that PDF. And I just started my second round this year of my freedom to flourish program. It's an eight week program, I will be offering it again in the fall. So if you if you cite, you know, if you get the Gift from Glenda, you're on my list, you will be you'll know about that that's upcoming. And yeah, I'm not sure when my next I have a six month embodied flourishing program, which is kind of the continuation of the freedom to flourish program. And that will be much later in the year.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

And that piece is more around the embodiment, like really getting back to our bodies and who we are that connection because we are so disconnected as a society.

Glenda Lane:

Well, it is and it's also just living flourishing. So freedom to flourish is learning how to and I give you all the tools, and I give you all the things but it's one thing to have a tool belt. Are you actually using it? Exactly. So the embodiment and that's why it's a six month program as much longer it's more realistic, right? Yep. And it's about okay, here's how we do it. And we do it. And I do it along with them. Like I'm, I'm here's how I'm practicing this. Here's how here's how I'm embodying this. So it really is a beautiful, beautiful container. So yeah, so that's what I have and then I have I have a new little mini course coming up. I'm not sure when when it's coming out if it'll have It already be offered or not. But again, if you're on my list, you'll hear about it called a downtrend in. And that's, that's like, how do we drop out of our heads and be in our bodies? How do we be fully in and be in connection with our bodies? Because I mentioned that was my journey, I was very disconnected from being in my body and why it's so important. It's because that's where our intuition lives. That's where our knowing lives. That's where our heart and soul is. So, you know, we need we can't really be receiving to the extent that we could when we're just up in our heads, yeah. So that's, that's coming up.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Beautiful? Well, we'll put the glyphs gifts with Glenda link in the show notes, so that people have easy access to that. Thank you so much for leaving us with that, too, for us to all continue on our journey to freedom.

Glenda Lane:

Yeah, yeah, come play. I would love to, you know, I just love playing with people who are interested, you know, have the desire. Yeah. Great. You know, it's really fun. Yeah. So come, play with me.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Beautiful. Well, let's play a little bit more as we wrap up today. So folks, we are going to go ahead and, and just allow for divine to come through, I'm going to let Glenda take the lead. But for those of you listening, I'm going to invite you to just allow yourself to be in a comfortable position. You know, taking a few deep breaths will be helpful as well. But the key is to just be open to receiving open to receiving whatever shows up for you, whether you think it's weird, whether you feel goosebumps, whether you feel whatever it is, just be open to receiving what it is and then be curious about that. So glad I'm gonna let you take the lead on this. And and share with us whatever is coming through intuitively.

Glenda Lane:

Beautiful. And so my invitation to everyone is to feel Hey, so whatever you do to drop into your body, and maybe just let's take a moment to just notice what you're feeling feeling the surface that's supporting your body right now. And notice what you're hearing my voice and anything else in your surroundings. Notice what you're tasting what you're smelling. And even though your eyes are closed, how does it look? What does it look like behind your eyes. So just notice that to start bring yourself back into your body. And if you want to focus on an area rather than your entire body, if you're like ooh, you know that might feel a bit overwhelming then maybe let's just focus on your heart space on your chest. Because light language is meant to bypass the mind it is meant to go directly into your cells and act activate you in your body. Okay, so no thinking you're just going to breathe and relax and receive and we'll see what wants to come through.

Glenda Lane:

And the asana will check up annoying Asante or TuneIn taIking upaya Santo nya de la ni a Qian would say Nita yatta yatta kitty Lala cute tiny more occupy each and I send him on an alligator paw. Here of course I'm in an alley cheese cinnamony BPAY I like it's a Tony dying don't go knowing doing tiny you doin say mandala Kitty is Danny to JoJo cerca Tana Mala aka funny Sadie doin time and Taylan na today I enjoy acai De Soto they are Nana OLALIA pain by game by boy saya see on day one and then keep doing doin team Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah so in PI ki ye style toto toy Nasta E to TMR aka to samalla become by in Bantayan doin day in and then Nana is Tarapoto Alana Anika

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Beautiful and I have some coming through as well so I'm going to just share now. Yeah

DeeAnne Riendeau:

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DeeAnne Riendeau:

Beautiful. Glenda, thank you so much. I received that fully. Nature so much for tuning in everybody. I hope that you have loved our conversation today in really allowing yourself the freedom to be you. So, Glenda, thank you. It's been an honor and a joy to have you here. And we will be with you again soon. Before you know it, folks. We'll see you again. We'll be with you again in a couple of weeks time. So until next time on When Spirit Calls. Thanks so much for joining. Thank you.