Our guest Sherry Morgan, tells us how she “spoke to fire” and discusses how prayer can simply start with gratitude! An exciting conversation about how simple and easy prayer can be!
About the Guest:
Sherry Morgan, working under the umbrella “Love Is Round”, is a guide for effective prayer. The core basis of prayer is the experience of connection. Sherry provides a bridge from the world of separation to the world of connection. When we experience this connection, our prayers are received, healing takes place, and guidance for our lives is accessed. She has taught the phenomenon of prayer in 5 countries over the past 22 years. Her teachers have included multiple elders and wisdom-keepers in three indigenous traditions; Ojibwa, Nahua, and Huichol. Sherry works with individuals and groups, in person and virtually. Please visit www.loveisround.net to learn of Sherry’s offerings and to get in contact with her.
About the Host:
DeeAnne Riendeau is a thought leader in spiritual and business development who’s mission is to elevate how we think and live. Experiencing a life of chronic illness, and 2 near death experiences, DeeAnne rebounded with 20 years of health education and a diverse health career.
She is known as the modern day Willy Wonka for giving away her company Your Holistic Earth, which is the first holistic health care system of its kind. She is currently the owner of Rose Hope International, in which she helps those who are seeking more joy, love, freedom, and a deeper meaning in life using your souls library also known as the Akashic Records.
She has spoken at Harvard University, appeared on Shaw TV, Global Television, and CTV and has been recognized as a visionary and business leader having been nominated for numerous awards including Alberta Business of Distinction. Along with being an entrepreneur, DeeAnne is a mom of 2 bright kids, publisher, popular speaker and international bestselling author who uses her heart and her head to guide others to create their best life.
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This is When Spirit Calls and you on your journey are in the right place. This show is about magic miracles and meaning shared through stories, interviews and channeled messages. We have so much to share about who you are and your divine mission here on the earth. Let's get to it When Spirit Calls is right now.
DeeAnne Riendeau:Please help me welcome Sherry Morgan. Sherry Morgan working in the umbrella Love is Round is a guide for effective prayer. The core basis of prayer is the experience of connection. So Sherry provides a bridge from the world of separation to the world of connection. When we experienced this connection, our prayers are received healing takes place and guidance for our lives is accessed. Sherry has taught the phenomenon of prayer in five countries over the last 22 years. Her teachers have included multiple elders and wisdom keepers in three indigenous traditions, a Ojibwa, Nahua, and Huichol. Sherry works with individuals and groups in person and virtually, please visit LoveIsRound.net to learn more about Sherry.
DeeAnne Riendeau:Oh, hello, everyone. Welcome back. So happy to have you here. As you heard, I've got the lovely guest with us today, Sherry Morgan. Welcome, Sherry.
Sherry Morgan:Thank you DeeAnne. To be here.
DeeAnne Riendeau:It is so great to have you. And I have to say, you know, when I first met you, and you talked about what you created with Love Is Round, I just absolutely loved it. And I felt so drawn to you. And I had a deep desire to connect more deeply. So I'm so excited for others to hear a little bit about your story. And what you're doing with love is round. How did it go from Sherry as a young one to creating this organization?
Sherry Morgan:Well, thank you for that question. So I lived an ordinary childhood and early adult life was mostly in the corporate world. And I sometimes say these days that I lived a fully colonialist context, I had no other world view I hit that was it. And however, in 1982, I did a personal growth program, a really intensive two weekend long hours. program that cracked open a wall, I guess, that I didn't know I had, wow. But at the very end of the program, when we were walking out the doors, it took place in a high school auditorium. It wasn't a school event. But so there was this funnel of 125 people maybe walking toward the doors, and being a certain moment. That's not where I was, I was, I was in a sea of people. And the hand of what I called God, again, that was the only context that I had at the time. But the hand of God reached out of the sky, into this sea of people, and picked me up with thumb and forefinger, lifted me over the sea of people and set me down outside of it.
DeeAnne Riendeau:Oh my gosh. So I just want to recap this for the people that are listening. So you were at this event in this experience with all these other people, and you literally felt and you describe it as kind of the hand of God literally picking you up and moving you.
Sherry Morgan:Yeah. And it wasn't a feeling it was an experience. Ah, oh, yes. Yeah, I was. I was in the funnel of people. And suddenly I'm in this experience. I'm no longer in a, you know, a funnel of people getting people. Yeah, I mean, this sea of people. And that's all that happened. And at the time, I just thought, Oh, okay. I think it's a sign that I was supposed to do this program, and I've done it so good.
DeeAnne Riendeau:You got your validation. I'm done now. Yeah.
Sherry Morgan:And I didn't make anything up that in fact, I don't remember sharing it with anybody. Yeah, i i 15 years later. And but in the meantime, I've done many, many, many, many personal growth programs. And after that experience, I was filled, I would say it that I was awakened, something inside of me was awakened. And it was longing for spirit that I hadn't had before that experience. Wow. So I kept looking for spirit and talking about spirit and participating in I don't know New Age, women's movement things and yoga and you know, just different ways that I could find to dabble call it, but every now and again like start receiving messages or I would call them urges, yes, that were out of the ordinary for me. And they would urge me to, for example, spiritual like Go, go some more like you need to do more change my career, just different things that would I feel urged. And in 1993, so 11 years later, and between 93 and 95, my urges were go leave travel. Wow. And I was married and had two stepkids. So that's why it took me two years to put that together. And so I finally I borrowed money, and I bought a Volkswagen van. And off I went, Wow, not knowing where to go, or for how long, but I somehow knew that I would be guided. So off I went, and seven months later, I think it was about seven months later, I was in Mexico, and met a man and his wife, who became my teacher. I didn't know it yet. But that's when I met them. And a couple of months after that. He's now an elder witch, or Shaman. And he started giving me messages from the Spirit of Fire. Wow. And they sent me off on six months trek with a caravan and a bunch of different things, homework, and so on. And then a so a year after I first met him, I then met fire directly. Oh, wow, fire sent me back to Canada with a long list of homework. Part of the homework was to do a vision quest. And I had to find a native teacher for that. And did of course, find the right one. And after the vision quest, I began to receive messages to teach people about prayer. And I got a lot of messages to teach people about prayer. And I thought it was a great idea. But I didn't know what to do. Finally, it dawned on me to write this shaman in Mexico. And so I did. And he channeling fire, wrote back and said, not only is it a good idea, which is, I had written to say, I think it's a good idea, but I don't know what to do, right. And he wrote back and said, not only is it a good idea, it's part of your calling, and it's about time you picked up the phone. So that's how I got started on the prayer piece. And then of course, there was an apprenticeship for me and some learning for me that I needed to do and various trips to Mexico. And I was initiated as a weather worker on the second of those trips back. And in the nonmetal tradition of Mexico, where I had a past life. So a soul connection to that tradition. Yes. Wow. And then I began teaching in 98. And now I've taught in five countries and lots of different people, and it's an amazing program.
DeeAnne Riendeau:Wow, that's the condensed version. That's okay, so now I have questions. So what is the experience meeting fire? Can you describe that like what that is because I can only imagine the the listeners saying, Well, how the heck do you meet fire? What does that look like? So what can you expand on that? Just a little bit?
Sherry Morgan:Yes, thank you. So well, fire is an elemental, but some people would say an elemental God but it's an an elemental energy. So one everybody would agree on for them in some cultures have five
DeeAnne Riendeau:Right wind? Can we just recap that for the audience? Wind, Water, Fire Earth?
Sherry Morgan:Yeah. And then there's, you know, depends on the tradition. Like there's different ones. Yes. No. Chinese five elements would be wood. Right. Meyer Earth metal water.
DeeAnne Riendeau:Right. Okay.
Sherry Morgan:And I think in the First Nations people in this country, it's mostly Earth. Fire air, I guess. Yeah,
DeeAnne Riendeau:Yes. Yes. I sent wind but it's air. Yeah. Yeah. Great. Thank you.
Sherry Morgan:So in that way, fire is one of those Elementals. Yeah. Now, fire taught us that our culture most needs fire at this time. Because we're a culture that have grown cold with fear. And fire is the energy of heart and warmth, and passion and joy and connection. So what prayer has to do with heart is that the core basis of prayer is the experience of connection with the whomever or whatever
DeeAnne Riendeau:Holy Spirit, you know, whatever that might want,
Sherry Morgan:Or tree or rock or ocean or so the experience of connection is via the heart. Yes. So that's where heart comes in. And minds job is to separate. So if we tried to connect with our mind, and our culture, of course is very mind oriented. Yeah, all of us would say, we actually experienced separation.
DeeAnne Riendeau:Right?
Sherry Morgan:So that's the culprit that's in the way of our experience of connection.
DeeAnne Riendeau:That culprit being separation.
Sherry Morgan:The culprit is the mind or the mind just illusion that we're separate.
DeeAnne Riendeau:Yes. The illusion that we're separate. Yes. The illusion of separateness is what is in the way. Yeah, yes.
Sherry Morgan:Yes. So now I had an advantage. You ask your question was how just something about fire?
DeeAnne Riendeau:Yeah, well, well.
Sherry Morgan:The shaman that I met in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, in February 96. Turns out that his job is to help bring fire back, the awareness of fire and the connection and experience of fire back to call it humanity. Yeah. I understand there are six people in the world that it's not called channeling, and I forget what it's called. But fire actually uses certain these six people comes in and speaks through the body. Okay, we people. And he's the only one that I know of in our culture. Wow. So I happened to meet him right at the start. And Guardian on all those early teachings of fire and the difference between mind and heart and many, many, many kinds of teachings.
DeeAnne Riendeau:Wow.
Sherry Morgan:That it was fire in that way through the shamans. Body call it Yeah. Gave me the format for the prayer workshop
DeeAnne Riendeau:In sight. Yes. Yes.
Sherry Morgan:That fires job is connection. Yeah, your main job is connection.
DeeAnne Riendeau:Wow. Okay.
Sherry Morgan:So this was teachings, call it by the source for how to connect.
DeeAnne Riendeau:How to connect. And you know, it's funny, because every time you say the word fire, I literally see count fire and people around the campfire. And how, what a beautiful way to connect that is in itself. But I love that fire is connection. And I never saw it that way before. So what a beautiful insight for us to see that, that fire. I mean, even if we think about when we have some of these fires, forest fires, right, and everyone speaks about the devastation of these fires. But there's deeper layers behind that. I mean, naturally, they would burn trees and fields for the regrowth for the ashes and the minerals and everything that could be rebirthed from that fire. And I think that it's important people recognize the value in that connection, but also the awareness that fire is the heart and the joy and compassion that you spoke about as well. And to look at fire as opportunity for deeper connection. Maybe it's deeper connection with Mother Earth even but a different perspective to look at fire. You also mentioned being a weather worker, what's a weather worker? Does that mean that you can change the weather?
Sherry Morgan:Well, unlike in a meteorologist, I'm not studying the science of weather I have related with the weather forces themselves. And there's many ceremonies and so on to attend as a weather worker. A lot of offerings to make Yeah, and you know, this whole thing if I sort of type that question into prayer, yes, there's a relationship between relationship and prayer. So as a weather worker, I mean, first of all, I had been initiated and then it was my call it duty to relate with the weather forces themselves.
DeeAnne Riendeau:Wow.
Sherry Morgan:Mostly as a weather worker. I would go out when the rains arrived, because where I live, I don't get snow hardly ever but when the rains arrive, I would go out with a Somero which is a show to you. Yeah, it's a device that holds
DeeAnne Riendeau:Oh, like a chalice almost
Sherry Morgan:It's something like a chalice Yeah. And you put charcoal burn the charcoal and then put in my case Copal resin on the charcoal and produce a beautiful smoke and they kind of wave it outside and thank them for the rain and all the gifts of the rain and so on. So at a base level it's that's what it is giving thanks. precious life giving rains Right, right. Yes. And yes, if there was damaging weather, because I now have relationship and not only relationship, but I have this initiation that makes it my duty to go out and ask them to stop damaging. Yeah. And you know, and that has worked. Now in Victoria, I don't need to do that hard. I mean, maybe once in the years I've lived here, but in Ontario, I was out more often. Yeah. Anyway, the important thing I think about prayer is an important thing is about relationship. Yes. So if we, First Nations people around the world that still live in an indigenous context relate to the world as a living sentient? Wise. Yeah. And able to communicate with us? Yes. We need relationship first. Absolutely. So I think going from none of that to walking up to a tree and say, Hey, would you help me? To give me a little guidance today, please, or something? It's, you know, it's not likely going to work that way.
DeeAnne Riendeau:Yeah, it's a progression for many.
Sherry Morgan:Right? So but you can build a relationship with a truth?
DeeAnne Riendeau:Yes, you sure can.
Sherry Morgan:Pay respects lots and visit lots. And then someday you can go, Hey, I don't know what to do. Can you help me?
DeeAnne Riendeau:And receive that insight? I love this conversation so much, Sherry, because I think that we have forgotten connection, we've forgotten what that looks like. And we think, Oh, well, I'll go on social media, and I'll be connected. But that, you know, I think that's almost the opposite of connection. Because I think that what you do is you connect people with maybe these objects or energies, all say, that we oftentimes don't think requires connection. And so we build relationship to Mother Earth, we build relationship to the plants, we build relationship, to the sun, to the moon, to the sky, to all the things and that is, our divine journey, I believe is about building relationship to all things, even the things that we cannot necessarily even see building relationship to our soul and our spirit as much of the work that I do. And what you teach people is that there is deeper, even deeper meaning in connecting with all energies with all energies.
Sherry Morgan:Yes. So one of my first prayer teachers was an Ojibwa elder. And so this was before I got the teachings from fire. Yes. And she took me out in nature and taught me a form for prayer. Hmm. And I was to go out before sunrise now anyway, I'm gonna just tell it how she gave it to me. I was to go out before sunrise every morning, before eating anything, drinking anything before paying before sunrise, get up, get out of bed, put clothes on, go outside and give thanks to everything in nature that you can witness or think of, to give thanks for Wow, he told me this would take just a few minutes at first, and then it would grow and before long, it'd be half an hour an hour and more. And she was right. And I was to do the same thing at night before going to bed. So for an entire 365 days, no matter what the weather conditions were no matter how late it was when I went to bed or how early Sunrise was I went out in nature for an hour or more and gave thanks did nothing but give thanks to everything I could witness. It was so transformational. I remember having such negative thinking before that was just these negative thoughts pretty much all the time. And very soon i My heart was full of gratitude, like real gratitude, not just thanks because it was polite or not just thanks. Because I was told I should. But super gratitude. And then aspects of nature began to speak back to me. They received my gratitude, I could feel it and they would give me ideas. And it was a purely transformational year. So that was my real first experience with what I might call animistic. Prayer.
DeeAnne Riendeau:Wow.
Sherry Morgan:And it built relationships all over the place.
DeeAnne Riendeau:Well, of course it did. Yeah.
Sherry Morgan:I asked for nothing.
DeeAnne Riendeau:No, nothing but you just prayed in gratitude, pray your thanks to all things in existence and all things you could think of in existence. I love this practice. And I'm going to encourage our listeners to think about a practice that they couldn't make it doesn't have to be morning and night, like you did Sherry, but it could be just taking five minutes through the day to go and to just stand outside. And to start off by seeing and saying thank you to all the things that you can witness, and then build on that and build that list. Because there is such power in that, you know that gratitude is a form of prayer.
Sherry Morgan:Absolutely right. I think it's a foundational form
DeeAnne Riendeau:Ah, yes, yes. There's such power in prayer. I feel like we're not gonna have enough time to talk all about it today. But I want to share a little story, and then I'll give you a chance to add in some more, you know, I was raised Catholic. And so we've been to church and I was baptized and had my first communion and all the things that you go through it as a Catholic person. And so prayer was a big part of that. And in particular, the Our Father. And when I was five, after my near death experience, I started to have really lucid dreams. And many of them were quite terrifying battles with witches and demons and all sorts of things at a very young age, and I didn't watch any bad stuff, I don't know where I got any of this from other than it came from, you know that etheric world, if you will. And so I would wake mom up a lot at nighttime, Mom, I'm scared or whatever. And I even sleep sometimes I bring my pillow and blanket and I'd sleep on the bedroom floor with mom and dad beside them. And so one of the things that mom really instilled is in me at a very young age was the power of prayer. And so I had a routine of prayer. But what was really profound is that as I became more conscious and matured, I started to have very lucid dreams. So when I would have my lucid nightmares, I would start praying, I would start saying, the Our Father, within the dream, I had enough consciousness within the dream, that's how lucid they were that I could say, oh, I just need to pray. And I'll just pray. And as soon as I started to pray in every situation, whatever was there, the dark energy, whatever, that was scary, it would dissolve, or it would become afraid and it would leave, or something would happen. And I would wake up and I would be fine. You know, so prayer was very powerful in terms of being a safety mechanism, even for me growing up. And so that I think that saved me from a lot of the challenges that I could have had with those types of dreams. So I wanted to share that because and it was the Our Father that I would say, as soon as I would start the Our Father, whatever, you know, minions were around, gone, they would go right. So you know, really validating the power of that. But prayer doesn't need to look like the the Our Father, right prayer, like you just shared in your story can be gratitude. And I'm just want to invite you if someone has never really gotten comfortable with prayer, aside from doing the gratitude, is there other things that they can be doing? Or are there other things they can be doing? That can help them to just step into that building of relationship? Because like you said, we also build relationship to prayer itself. Right? And so what are some things that people can do that would help them with that?
Sherry Morgan:First of all, I want to say I love the story you shared and about the Our Father went to prayer. And you know, I would say back to relationship, you lead a relationship with that prayer. You had a relationship within a religion, which is totally cool. Whatever way you've got a relationship, man, the relationship works.
DeeAnne Riendeau:Yeah.
Sherry Morgan:And the thing that occurs to me is that our Father or in my case, I might call on the Spirit of Fire or the spirit of earth or ocean or you know, whatever, they have a more power they have more power than these fearful entities, right? So calling on them if you're in a fearful place calling on them, you can call them in and then those more fearful energies will just go I'm out of here.
DeeAnne Riendeau:Yeah.
Sherry Morgan:So I think that's a really good tip. I would light a candle So one option is to go outside and actually pray and give thanks to the trees, ocean, whatever it is that is around you. The seasons themselves for sure. The rain?
DeeAnne Riendeau:Yes.
Sherry Morgan:But that's definitely an option. And even if you're just out for a walk, you can be doing that right, right. Thank you, Trey, you're beautiful or thank you for your apples or whatever it is. Thank you for your shade. But if you're indoors and want to have a prayer practice, whether it's in religion or not, whether it's just a more animistic type of connection to call it the world around us. I would suggest right lighting a candle first.
DeeAnne Riendeau:Hmm. I love that.
Sherry Morgan:You can ask for I build the relationship with fire because it's really building relationship with heart, right? And then you've got this relationship. Fire will help, if you're struggling with how to pray and whatever fire will help. Okay. You could say heart or heart will help. Yeah. However you see that?
DeeAnne Riendeau:Yes, yeah. Love that.
Sherry Morgan:So that's one really good suggestion. And gratitude, of course, is a great way to start anything, and use it a lot that will help transform your world.
DeeAnne Riendeau:And, you know, I've told people before, I'm like, Just try it. Even if you feel weird about it, even if you do it in your head, you don't even have to verbalize it. You can even pray inside your mind, right? There's still power in that. And so I've kind of joked to people that like, at first, it might feel like you're, you know, talking to nobody, or that connection is not being made to anything in particular. But eventually, you'll start to see that it is connected to something on the other end.
Sherry Morgan:It's Be patient and persistent. Yes, yeah. And, you know, you're pointing to something that I think is one of the blocks that we have in the English well, first of all, to be brought up in a colonialist culture where we don't relate with the world as living in sentient and wise and able to help us the English language itself is izes, or it izes. Everything other than humans pretty much, right. So the tree it doesn't, you know, it's not, right. And we just say fire wood, you know, in the indigenous traditions, it's probably some more respectful title like grandfather fire or something like that. Right? Grandmother ocean. Right. Right. Right. Right. So we don't personalize these relationships. We it eyes them. And then of course, it's hard to get our mind around. Having a prayer relationship with something that's an IT
DeeAnne Riendeau:Yes. Right? Like talking to a tree?
Sherry Morgan:Yes.
DeeAnne Riendeau:But the power in that on the other side is just so profound. Part of me thinks why wouldn't anybody want to have a relationship with the trees and the oceans and the rivers and all that, but we have been, you know, conditioned, right to disassociate a little bit or disconnect or see ourselves as separate from those things, like you said earlier? And so it's not our fault. No, it's not made wrong here. Absolutely. You know, it's no wonder no wonder that is the way we mostly are. But the invitation for all of you listening today is to engage or recognize where you already are practicing prayer. But if you're not to invite you to expand that gift of that relationship with prayer, so that you can be using prayer as a way to deepen your connection with this extrinsic or outer worlds that we have. But naturally, what happens is we deepen our relationship with ourselves, don't we? Yeah. So that is the invitation to everyone listening today. There is power in prayer. Sherry, are there any final words that you want to share with our audience today about prayer, any tidbits that you want to share as we wrap up?
Sherry Morgan:When you first introduced me, you said, you mentioned love is around?
DeeAnne Riendeau:Yes.
Sherry Morgan:And I didn't say anything about that.
DeeAnne Riendeau:That's right.
Sherry Morgan:I'd like to just share that. After teaching people after my own experiences, many here and there over quite a few years, and also teaching a lot of people about the phenomenon of connection and prayer. What I noticed was that people the experience of connection that was reported to me after people had these experience was almost always the word love or I felt related. I felt known. I was in the tree, the tree was in me or the plant or whatever. Things like that. So this experience of connection was very real, but the experience of connection was always loving. In 2015. In my prayer time, one day, the words love his round arrived.
DeeAnne Riendeau:Hmm,
Sherry Morgan:I wish I could say those three words and give you what I was given in those moments. But it was I saw it as the design of our universe, the very design of our universe. That everything we all exist in a sea of love. And when I for me round is not linear.
DeeAnne Riendeau:Nope. Yeah.
Sherry Morgan:Our language can create the linearity right? It's me in it right for and it's good or bad or I'm good or bad or, you know, all the ways that we create separation.
DeeAnne Riendeau:Yeah.
Sherry Morgan:And a linear world. And we've gone so far down that tunnel that we actually just have forgotten our nature. Yeah, our capital N nature, I call it. Nature's capital and major. Yes. Is round love. So that means I'm part of it. I'm in its design. It's me and I, we are all love Israel. Yes. And that's available, that's expat experiences accessible and available through prayer through certain people probably have had that experience with meditation. Yeah, so my company, well, I don't even think of it as a company. But my website is called Love Is Round. And so now that has become the context for my work. And the context for people for I think, for life and healing. Yeah, how can I get back to love his round?
DeeAnne Riendeau:Right? Well, it's so beautiful, because I do believe that what we give out, we receive back, you know, in a cyclical pattern, as well. And so I think that there's so much to this love is round concept. I can just imagine your experience or your epiphany that you had when it came to you. And it's like, how do I articulate that now? into words that we can understand. But what a wonderful invitation for people to go and explore that deeper connection and understanding what love is for them, and and what it is what it means in the bigger sense of the world as well. So LoveIsRound.net, you can find Sherry, Sherry, is there anything that you want to extend as a call to action for people who really resonated or they want it? Maybe they have a desire to learn prayer? You know, can they reach out to you? What does that look like?
Sherry Morgan:Absolutely. So thank you. I do for one on one work with people. I also do group work, right? There's teachings, there's coaching and what I call companion prayers, or people who are looking for particular guidance, one of the benefits, by the way of prayer, perhaps the best, I don't know, this experience of connection is pretty darn good. But we it is our birthright to receive guidance. It's a natural part of this connectedness and relatedness. So a benefit of prayer, of course, is to help get some divine guidance. Yes. And I say that nature knows us better than we know ourselves. They relate to us at a soul level, not at our mind level. Like we're wondering, Do I look okay, and all that sort of stuff. Right? But they don't see that part of us. They see the soul. And they can speak to that. So, of course, I encourage that with people's own prayer practice. But if people want a particular prayer, like I'm struggling with acts, right, what it is. I do prayers with them. My prayer amplifies their prayer, yes, they receive the guidance, and they get it right then. So we can either do that in person or by phone, it doesn't matter if it works equally well.
DeeAnne Riendeau:Well, my mom always said when two or more gathered, that, you know, your calls will be answered even more. So it's amplified. Like you said, so yeah.
Sherry Morgan:But in this case, it's a particular. It's seeking guidance.
DeeAnne Riendeau:Yes.
Sherry Morgan:And getting it immediately.
DeeAnne Riendeau:With the intent to get that guidance. Yes, yeah. Yeah. Beautiful. Oh, this is just wonderful. I learned a lot today. Sherry, thank you so much for sharing your heart and for holding space for people so that they can deepen their connection and their relationship with prayer, but with the whole entire world as we know it as well. So what a delight it's been. And again, for all the listeners out there, I encourage you, please, if something that Sherry said resonated for you, please do reach out, go explore her website LoveIsRound.net. And you will be able to discover all about her programs and offerings. And most certainly, if you're looking for somebody to help you in that phase of moving into prayer, understanding prayer more deeply. You know that Sherry is there for you.
Sherry Morgan:Thank you.
DeeAnne Riendeau:Sherry, thank you so very much for being like this. It has been a delight. So thank you and farewell. We'll see you next time. Bye.
Sherry Morgan:Bye. Thanks, DeeAnne.
WSC Intro/Outro:So happy you could join us today. And we hope that you found comfort and inspiration with wherever you are at right now. If you feel you received a gift in today's message, please pass that gift along to a loved one by sharing this episode with them.
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